
13 Reasons Why: Suicide Of A High School Monk

Decent Essays

1 Essay Why 13 Reasons Why is a book about the suicide of a high school girl. A book that has some themes other than suicide that it brings to light. There might be something in there that even you can relate to.
In the novel 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher follows the story of Hannah Baker, a high school student that commits suicide and leaves behind tapes explaining why she killed herself. This essay examines the importance of using fiction to discuss social issues that are integrated into our society.

Fiction needs to be included in the curriculum because social issues such as suicide can be brought to light and discussed about with fiction. These social issues affect many in society and must be examined in order to help get rid of the issues and find the causes of these issues in …show more content…

Alex’s actions caused a series of events that would cause Hannah’s suicide.

Social issues and their causes can be brought to light with fictional stories that can help us find a common pattern as to how these issues start.
To emphasize, issues such as suicide are relevant to discuss with fiction because of the issues impact on many on a global scale.

The reader must know that people are affected differently by suicidal thoughts and similar behavior like depression than others because of their sex or lifestyle.
There is one death by suicide in the world every 40 seconds. The highest suicide rates in the US are among Whites, Native Americans and Alaska Natives. Men commit 79% of US suicides. Women are 3 times more likely to attempt suicide. Women experience depression twice as much than men. (“Suicide Facts”)
The issue is relevant to the world because it affects many people in society regardless if they are a minority or not. Anyone can be disheartened enough to suicide, it isn’t a behavior that is exclusive to a certain

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