
200336 Business Academic Skills 2011.1 Essay Instructions (50%)

Decent Essays

200336 Business Academic Skills 2011.1 Essay Instructions (50%)
Overview Writing academic essays is not only an important skill for succeeding at university; it also enables students to hone general written communication skills in any setting – academic, business or personal. A good essay does not repeat what is said in the literature. Rather, it should critically analyse the evidence and arguments presented by the authors; account for and/or refute counter arguments; and demonstrate relationships between ideas and between theory and practice. To that end, this assessment will enable students to bring together all the parts associated with the Learning Portfolio into one coherent academic essay and evaluate what has been learnt throughout …show more content…

Includes a final comment that does not introduce any new ideas. 4. Cohesive text that aids with the logical flow of the arguments presented. 5. A reference list which includes only the resources that are used the in body of the text (i.e. in-text citations) Presentation and format Students are required to download and fill in the assessment template by: 1. Filling in all required details on the coversheet 2. Typing responses into the blank fields as indicated 3. Removing any blank spaces/lines and 4. Inserting the required information in the footer. All the margins, fonts and spacing are already set so there is no need to make any further adjustments.

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Submission requirements A hard copy of the assessment is due within the first 10 minutes of your assigned workshop in Week 14 along with a copy of the Turnitin Originality Report which should be attached to the back of your assignment. Assessments will not be accepted without the Turnitin Originality Report. Once the 10 minute submission period in the workshop is over, late assignments must be submitted to the School of Marketing’s assignment drop box and late penalties of 10% per day will apply, including the day of the workshop. Note: A penalty of 10% per day will apply to any submissions to the School of Marketing’s assignment drop box irrespective of the time of day. Hard copy is the only method of assignment submission. Turnitin-only submissions will not be accepted. Extension of due date

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