
20th Century DNA Research

Decent Essays

DNA has been titled the most important scientific discovery of the 20th century. DNA is cells which contain chemicals and It carries the information that determines what you are like. Understanding the structure of DNA allowed other scientists to work on the individual elements of the DNA helix. The biggest research is the human genome project. Numerous number of people consider that the two scientists James Watson and Francis revealed DNA in the 1950s. However, Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher was first to recognize DNA in the late 1860s. After Miescher’s recognition of DNA, it opened new branch to gain knowledge. Phoebus Levene and Erwin Chargaff passed out a series of research determinations which revealed additional information about the …show more content…

It remains the world's largest collaborative biological project because genome project made it possible to adjust someone’s DNA. Doctors now can alter someone’s DNA then you can alter what they are like. You could give them a gene that makes them have brown hair, or a gene that makes them smaller or a gene that stops them getting …show more content…

The data in DNA is primarily read and then it is copied into a messenger molecule. DNA embraces the code for proteins, which are complex molecules that do huge amounts of work around our body. After, the information held in this molecule is translated into a language which the body can understand. Amino acids build blocks of proteins. It is this precise language that commands how the amino acids should produce a particular protein. Moreover, DNA plays an important role in replication. It is vital for the reproduction to the maintenance and growth of cells, tissues, and body systems. A DNA molecule result in a series of bases without pairs along the backbone of the molecule. DNA has four bases all part of a nucleotide. The four bases in DNA are about the base that they will attach to. This means that adenine only pairs with thymine and guanine will only pair with cytosine. Since nucleotides attach with unpaired bases on the backbone of the DNA molecule. it builds a new strand that complements. The result at last is a strand which is a perfect match to the original. When cells replicate in the body it produces new skin and blood cells. If mistakes occur, there are systems to repair the

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