
21 Jump Street Childhood

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Analyzing Jump Street’s Childhood

21 Jump Street is a highly popular movie that falls under the category of romance narrative. This film portrays two police officers named Jenko and Schmidt who must go undercover in an attempt to sneak into a high school. They need to obtain secret information about the infamous drug operation that is commencing in the school. The goal of their quest is to find a drug dealer who will lead them to the the supplier and ultimately take them down before the synthetic drug, HFS, expands around the world. The plot of this film is an example of a movie that can be easily broken down by the romance narrative circle: childhood, initiation, underworld, and temptation. A large portion of the film reveals a plethora of …show more content…

The film starts with a scene where Jenko is humiliating Schmidt because he struggled to ask out a girl to prom in front of everyone at school. Later, Jenko gets sent to the principle’s office and finds out he needs to boost his grades if he wants to go to prom, or even graduate. It is at that point in the film where Jenko and Schmidt realize they have had a very hard high school life. Jenko needs to crack down on school work to be able to go to prom and graduate high school and Schmidt does not have the confidence to ask girls out to …show more content…

Suddenly, during their daily mundane rounds, they find some members of the “One-Percenter” gang— a highly popular drug gang, smoking marijuana. Being rookie cops, they could only have dreamed of this day that finally came— their first arrest. This seemed like Jenko and Schmidt’s premier drug bust, however due to Jenko incorrectly reciting the Miranda rights to them, it is considered a fail. By luck, this failed attempt at arresting the gang sends them to 21 Jump Street, or more exactly, towards their quest. Once they figure out they have to go undercover in a high school, they both get excited to essentially relive and redo their high school

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