

Decent Essays


Why hugs are important to share:

1. Hugs make us feel good.
2. They are a gesture of love.
3. Hugs are painless and do not require a trip to the doctor.
4. Hugs create and strengthen bond between two people.
5. They have no unpleasant side effects like broken heart.
6. Hugs can calm us down and help us relief emotional tension.
7. Hugs bring us closer.
8. Hugs can wrap a person like a gift
9. Hugs are a powerful way of healing.
10. Hugs cheer us up.
11. Hugs are very effective at healing disease, sickness and loneliness.
12. Hugging is a gesture of affirmation, appreciation, and acknowledgement.
13. They exchange positive energy between two lovers, parent and a child, friends and relatives.
14. Hugs can …show more content…

38. Hugs make us joyful and peaceful.
39. Hugs make tears dry, takes away grief and heals a broken heart.
40. Hugs encourage empathy and understanding.
41. Hugs regress schizophrenia.
42. Hugs help treat some physical illnesses like depression, anxiety and stress.
43. Hugs are helping in relieving pain.
44. Hugs give us positive emotional state of being.
45. Hugs can change our lives as well as others.
46. Hugs increase the desire to live.
47. Hugs help built mutual trust, faith and hope.
48. Hugs make relationships better and more stable. Even more than sex.
49. Hugs are our inner expression.
50. Hugs have the power to make us feel protected.
51. Hugs are beautiful things.
52. With hugs we share our personal space.
53. Everybody needs hugs!
54. Hugs close the door to hate and put us to the place of love.
55. Hugs open up two hearts.
56. Hugs are energizing, invigorating and refreshing.
57. Hugs transfer useful energy to both huggers.
58. Hugs are like water to our roots.
59. Because they are simply awesome!
60. Hugs built up our empathy, appreciation, compassion and warmth.
61. Sometimes hugs are best communication - for couples, for friends, relatives and pets, but especially for mothers and children.
62. To have a better communication with your partner use hugs.
63. Touching, caresses and hugs are essential for intimacy in relationships.
64. Hugging is rejuvenating
65. Lack of hugs can bring attention stunt childrens growth.
66. Hugging express affection.

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