
8th Grade History Teacher

Satisfactory Essays

My eighth grade history teacher, Coach Marlowe, inspired me to be kind to those around you because you never know what might happen. Coach Marlowe and I were so close, every time I had free time I was up at his desk and were talking about the most random things. I would say we enjoyed each other’s presence quite equally. He always told me that if I was able to keep his secrets he would keep mine, it was like a sort of best friend relationship with a teacher. I was able to get to know him as an individual because my aunt and him had graduated high school together and they were still pretty close friends. After a few conversations of him and I just joking around with each other about him going out drinking with my aunt and a couple of their friends, we just started talking more. One day after a break I came into class a picture of me from the first grade was projected on the screen. He had asked my aunt for the picture so he could try to embarrass me, it didn’t work, I only found a more embarrassing picture of him. Except I wasn’t able to project his on the screen, instead I printed them out and taped them up around his classroom. Mine was one of his Christmas cards that he took in a onesie and was all propped out on his bed, way more hilarious than the picture he had of me. …show more content…

He understand all the rough patches I went through that year. He tried to help me with them, but usually I would just tell him I could handle it. He also opened up to me about his brother and how he was put in prison and would be there for a long while. He told me about how he struggled through high school, waking up paralyzed one day and having to regain all his movement back. He had his days where all he wanted to do was sit behind his desks and I helped him with those days, I also had my days to where I didn’t want to be at school and he tried to help me with

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