
A Brief Note On Ethics And Conduct And Behavior

Best Essays

Ethics Research Report

Student Name: Longfei Wang
Student ID: 11529471

Executive Summary

This report describe the two professional areas, they are Early Childhood and Public Relation (PR). In this two areas, this article illustrates the importance of three professional codes which are ethics, conduct and behavior. The report also reveal some ethical or unethical behaviors in the light of the two professional areas. Then the two professions will be compared in the codes of ethics, conduct and behavior.



2.Describe the professions codes and the importance..................................4-6

3.The meaning of ethics and conduct in workplace.....................................6-9

4.Ethical behavior in the light of the two professions.................................9-10

5.Unethical behavior in the light of the two professions...........................10-11

6.Compare and contrast the codes of Ethics/conduct/behavior for the two Professions......................................................................................................11


8.References .................................................................................................13-14


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