
A Brief Summary Of Gang Violence

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Handling this situation is both tricky and easy (but mostly tricky). It’s tricky because the bond that these members have is something that is not easily disturbed so to begin to change/rid the area of a specific thought is something that is nearly impossible. But, if you cut off the problems where it begins, the problem will be solved. Imagine an idea in the shape of a seed. In order for the seed to germinate and to grow, you need the correct ingredients like water and sunshine. If you stop those, then the seed won’t germinate and you won’t have any growth. Now apply this metaphor to how the minds of youth’s work. Being brought up in an environment where they are constantly told that one perspective is the right one or that hating another …show more content…

Specifically, I would change the way schools are set up which means implementing staff that is fully dedicated to keeping these kids from growing into the gang mold that is so relevant in their lives. The contents of this message would be pretty clear: gang violence and everything associated is wrong. This would be taught by teaching the youth that there is more to their lives that gang violence and illegal things! On a domestic issue like this, it’s very easy to take a stance because obviously the betterment of society is a crucial aspect of any nation. Petitioning a government won’t be too beneficial in a situation like this, unless you were purely requesting support through funding and other forms of aid. This problem is really up to the state/city where it’s occurring in. But, this is not a small scale thing that is just a little blip on anyone’s radar. It’s a widespread issue that requires attention from many citizens. Many people seeing what’s truly going on inside their beloved country will sting, but ultimately it would make them want nothing more than to improve their society and make it their ideal living environment. This platform ad push for inner city reform wouldn’t just apply to gang violence but also widespread alcoholism, domestic violence, family issues, etc. Reforms that help the growth of the youth will instill into their minds positive life values that they will constantly go back to in times of struggle which we know they face often because that’s just what their life

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