
A Case Study Of Dccw Uts Green Building : Description, Analysis And Evaluation

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A case study of DCCW UTS Green Building: Description, Analysis and Evaluation.

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Introduction: 3
About new DCCW UTS Green building: 3
About Supply Chain Management: 3
A. Description: 4
B. Analysis: 6
C. Evaluation: 8
Conclusion: 11
Bibliography 12

About new DCCW UTS Green building:
DCCW UTS Green building is made in Sydney, Australia. The building is made by Canadian-American Architect namely Mr. Frank Gehry. Dr Chau Chak, who is an Australian-Chinese business person, donated $20 million for this building. The building is actually a Business School building for the University of Technology in Sydney. This twelve storey building is meant for the …show more content…

This includes comprehensive, strategic fit, reliability, adaptability, human satisfaction and sustainability. SCOR model can also be used to take care of performance, processes, practices and people. These SCOR are actually consists of teams of recyclers and restorers. The work of the SCOR can be observed in the construction of DCCW UTS Green building.
A. Description:

The team of Lend Lease Group took the challenging task of DCCW UTS Green building. The group started the construction work in year 2012.The Company started with the identification of the supply chain issues that could affect the construction work. Collaboration was actually achieved to meet the changing external environment requirements for achieving strategic success. However efforts were made to maintain control over the business operation. The construction company worked together with the motives of the Chau Chak, one of the highest contributors in the construction. His motives were to make high use of renewable sources like rain water harvesting, unlimited light supply through sunshine and finally use of wastage material was made in high so as to achieve high efficiency and low cost in construction (Johnstone et al., July 2012 Vol 30 Issue 7).
Efforts were made to achieve four types of collaboration which included the followings.
a. Transactional.
The Green building passed its budget before the initiation of

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