
A Day No Pigs Would Die Analysis

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The Boy from the book Sounder by William Armstrong and Robert from the book A

Day No Pigs Would Die have a relationship with their pets.They do a lot with them, they

love their pets dearly. A Day No Pigs Would Die and Sounder are about how two poor boys that fight with different types of problems. Like poverty, family, death etc. In A Day No Pigs Would Die page 15, Robert says “At that, the pig and I both gave

a squeal. She was mine, mine.” This is saying that he really wants something to be his and Pinky is that person and because of that he entrusts his dreams and goals into Pinky. Also on page 86, “As I watched, I hated Samson. I hated him for

being so big and mean and heavy.When Samson finishes, and he sees Pinky

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