
A Forgotten President Andrew Jackson : A Forgotten President

Decent Essays

A forgotten president, Martin Van Buren. The 8th president of the United States of America was, a five foot-six-inch career politician. His predecessor Andrew Jackson, was not only an American war hero but also a founding father. Trying to fill the shoes Andrew Jackson left was hard for Van Buren. He knew that and in his inaugural address he said, “that I belong to a later age and that I may not expect my countrymen to weigh my actions with the same kind and partial hand”. What he meant by saying is the he expected the Citizens of the United States of America to hold him to a different standard. If Van Buren would make a mistake the citizens would not forgive as easy as someone like Andrew Jackson. Even though Van Buren served as Jackson’s Secretary of State and as Vice-President. The opposing party of Van Buren, Whig reacted badly towards him giving him nicknames and portrayed him as Jackson’s puppet. Becoming the president of the United States of America was one of Martin Van Buren’s greatest accomplishment. The presidency would be hard for Van Buren and would face a number of challenges. First, being how close Van Buren was to Jackson. This might of lead to his short single term. He agreed with many of Jackson’s policies, which might have led to the economic depression he left at the end of his term. He would also have many enemies in Congress, which made trying to deal with the depression impossible. Van Buren’s image was also distorted by his enemies. By having this

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