
A Guide For The Disney Dining Plan

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Freelance Article
A Beginner’s Guide to the Disney Dining Plan
By Katherine Ashworth
How To/List piece for submission to Matador Network
The Creative Writing Industry
Full Sail University
August 23, 2015

(Shah, 2008)
With over 300 dining options, including table service restaurants, quick service restaurants, food trucks, and more, dining at the Walt Disney World resort can be a daunting task. Enter the Disney Dining Plan. It’s a great way to save money on your meals and to experience several of those 300 options with ease. However, with so many restaurant choices and plan options, the Disney Dining Plan can also be intimidating. These simple tips will help you get the most out of the Disney Dining Plan so you can focus less on …show more content…

Know What You Are Entitled to for Each Credit The best way to get the most value out of the Disney Dining Plan is to make sure that you understand what each meal entitlement credit includes. If you are using a credit for a Quick-Service meal, you are entitled to an entrée and a non-alcoholic beverage for breakfast and an entrée, dessert, and non-alcoholic beverage for lunch or dinner. If you are using a credit for a Table-Service meal, you are entitled to an entrée and non-alcoholic beverage for breakfast; an entrée, dessert, and non-alcoholic beverage for lunch or dinner; or a full buffet for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. On the Deluxe plan, you also get an appetizer with your lunch or dinner Table-Service credit. If you would like to dine at a restaurant that is considered a “Signature Dining Experience,” you may use two of your Table-Service credits for a meal that includes an appetizer, entrée, dessert, and non-alcoholic beverage. It is important to note that diners on the Premium or Platinum plan may dine at Signature Restaurants for only one credit instead of two. A Snack credit entitles you to one snack item designated by Disney with a special logo (covered in-depth in Tip #5). All of the credits for your travel party are in one “pool,” so if two adults travel to Walt Disney World for 3 nights and choose the Quick-Service Dining Plan, they will have a total of 12 Quick-Service meal credits and 6 Snack credits to use throughout their vacation. Whenever you redeem

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