
Walt Disney Value Chain Analysis Essay

Good Essays

Megan Beabout
MGMT4009- Online
7 April 2013
Value Chain Analysis By conducting a value chain analysis for Walt Disney Company, I will be able to accurately show the “parts of its operations that create value, and those that don’t” (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 87). The value chain is segmented into two categories: support functions and value chain activities. Support functions include finance, human resources, and management information systems which “support the work being done to produce, sell, distribute, and service the products [Walt Disney] is creating” (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 87). Value chain activities include supply chain management, operations, distribution, marketing, and follow-up services, which Walt Disney …show more content…

xix. Walt Disney has researched and developed ideal seasonal opportunities for maximum profitability. For example, holidays offer opportune times for families to travel to theme parks and on cruise lines; Christmas and Easter are profitable opportunities for product release; and because Disney has a strong focus on children, summer (or times when school is out of session) is a profitable season for movie releases. g. Marketing and Sales xx. Walt Disney has developed the ability to internationalize their brand through diversification in entertainment and products for different cultures. xxi. Walt Disney advertises through the most direct channels to their target market, having the ability to maintain brand loyalty and brand recognition. xxii. Walt Disney offers products and services to consumers during low peak times of the year through reduced prices for admission tickets, hotel suites, and cruise line tickets. xxiii. Walt Disney is able to provide high-quality products and services to consumers while maintaining a relatively low price. xxiv. Consumer sales and repurchase motivations are maximized through the hiring and training of motivated staff and customer service representatives. h. Follow-up Services xxv. Walt

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