
A Kinesiological Analysis of the 'Barbell Squat'

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A Kinesiological Analysis of the "Barbell Squat"

Step 1. Description of the movement

A. Starting position

Place your feet flat on the floor. From a rack with the barbell upper chest height,

Position the barbell over your Trapezius muscle not over your neck. The bar should be

Placed as far back as possible on the traps for the weight to be distributed properly

For safe execution. Next you would place your hands with a supinated grip around

The bar and hold it comfortably so its stays stable. Next your would thrust your hips

Forward and pull abdominals in and keep your lower back slightly arched. You want to

Try to keep your knees over your toes at all times to stay inline. You also want to have

Your heels directly under the bar. …show more content…

In the squat a person keeps his balance by keeping his line of gravity

Over his line of support. The feet being shoulder width apart gives the person a stable

Base of support so they can balance. The height of the center of gravity is lowered when

The person flexes the knee and

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