
A Lab Report On Academic Writing Essay

Better Essays

When it comes to academic writing, there are many genres. There are many different styles, and each academic writing has a unique meaning to it. Thinking about academic writing it is easy to think it has only one meaning, yet, in reality there is a vast amount of variations. One of the most important genres of academic writing is lab reports. Lab Reports are considered academic writing because they analyze a laboratory experiment. They are considered academic writings because they give factual evidence of what happens during an experiment. Gaining knowledge is one thing when reviewing lab reports because of the collected data over that experiment. A standard lab report consists a title page, abstract, introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices. (Waterloo) The given outline for a lab report represents what an academic writing should be presented like, which is structured and organized. This layout perfectly represents the style of what an academic writing paper should be. “Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression that researchers use to define the intellectual boundaries of their disciplines and their areas of expertise.” (Hartley, 2008) When it comes to academic writing there is a range of styles. There really is no limit to a specific one. An academic writing has many characteristics when it comes to the layout. When first starting an academic writing it is essential that planning is the first thing

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