
A Leader 's Leadership For The Accounting Firm

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Being a leader in the accounting firm has lots of challenges. The leader’s leadership is the topic which will discuss in the paper; it will provide a general aspect of characteristics, process of leadership and then apply to accounting firm. From a general aspect, the first is relationship between characteristics and leadership before promoted to be a leader, the study shows that “extraversion, openness to experience, and agreeableness were significantly correlated with leadership” (Amy E. Colbert, 2012, P. 678) and “the relationship between extraversion and leadership perceptions as well as openness to experience and leadership perceptions are both mediated by contributions to group success.” (Amy E. Colbert, 2012, P. 680) Second, when …show more content…

Since be promoted to these occupations, you become a leader under some situations. Most people did not realize and think over what they should do for the position. In this paper, it will provide a general aspect of characteristics, process of leadership and then apply to accounting firm. Generally, before becoming a leader, individual has many characteristics for working as an employee. It should be discussed first that what kind of characteristics is helpful to become a leader in the future. The trait theory of leadership is due to some traits, leader is different from others. It can separate into five key factors: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. The study shows that “extraversion, openness to experience, and agreeableness were significantly correlated with leadership.” (Amy E. Colbert, 2012, P. 678) Extravert is more controlling and more willing to share ideas to contribute the group so that he is more likely to be a leader. Openness to experience means it is creativeness and different opinion and it usually contribute more in the group, lead to group success, and become a leader. Agreeableness is the inclination to endure, cooperate, and believe. Workers who have these personalities would be helpful to establish leadership. Besides traits are highly related to leadership, they also fit with behaviors which will achieve the goal. The

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