
A Local Trusts Policy For Induction Of Labour

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The purpose of this essay is to explore and evaluate a local trusts policy for induction of labour due to a prolonged pregnancy. To begin with it will define induction of labour and outline the significance of this policy. Moving on it will look at how the policy has interpreted and delivered national drivers at a local level. It will critically analysis the key national drivers and guidelines that have influenced the local maternity service of induction of labour . It will also examine the local trust policy for induction of labour for post maturity, in order to assess how the changes have been implemented, how these changes are monitored and evacuated, to determine their success in practice. The essay will conclude with key …show more content…

Additionally, a local trust policy suggestions induction of labour(IOL) is ‘An intervention designed to artificially initiate uterine contractions, leading to progressive effacement and dilatation of the cervix and the birth of the baby.’ (Local Trust, 2011). The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that Induction of labour should be offered to women when it is considered safer to deliver the baby for either, the baby, the mother, or both, rather than proceed with the pregnancy until spontaneous delivery. WHO specify there should also be an absence of contraindications for vaginal delivery and there should be no indication for a caesarean section (The World Health Organisation, 2011). This is supported by The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines, (2008) for IOL, which endorse that women should be offered induction after 41 weeks between 41+0 and 42+0 weeks to avoid the risks of post-term pregnancy such as intrauterine fetal death (RCOG,2008; NICE, 2008). Yelikar (2007) suggests that post-term pregnancy is a pregnancy that is greater in length then 294 days from the last menstrual period or where it has progressed passed the expected date of delivery (EDD). It can also be referred to as prolonged pregnancy, post-maturity or post-date pregnancy (Yelikar, 2007) NICE argue that although a widely used intervention, induction of labour can

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