
A Long Journey

Decent Essays
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Kayla Duplan
Kristy McClain
CMC Composition 1
10 June 2013
A Long Journey
Ever since I graduated from high school, I look back on my childhood, and I can conclude that my childhood is filled with a lot of exciting events. Field trips, receiving many awards, making friends and participating in many sports are the highlights of my childhood. The first day of school can be frightening, I was scared because I didn’t know what to think about school.. This is how I felt about my first day of 1st grade, but I was introduced to my homeroom teacher and that soon made me feel a lot better. Every day of first grade I would practice writing my numbers and letters. I also loved having recess and hanging out with my best friend Tayla. We …show more content…

Hanging out with my friends was my favorite things to do at the races. In the winter time I didn’t stop playing basketball. During the games I made baskets after baskets. It was my last year playing basketball, and my team won each game and we advanced in the tournament. We played our hardest, but we didn’t win the game. Each semester I received excellent grades and that put me on the honor roll.
I walked through the long the hallways at Summit High School. The high school was a lot bigger than the middle school and elementary school. It was my first day of high school and I was afraid of how things would be for my freshman year. But I had couple of my friends that helped me out, the first day of school they introduced me to their friends. Receiving good grades at the high school, I was still on the honor roll.
I put my graduation cap and walked down the isle of the gymnasium, where my family members were there to honor my accomplishments. Throughout my twelve years at the Summit County schools I accomplished many goals that I’m proud

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