Kayla Duplan
Kristy McClain
CMC Composition 1
10 June 2013
A Long Journey
Ever since I graduated from high school, I look back on my childhood, and I can conclude that my childhood is filled with a lot of exciting events. Field trips, receiving many awards, making friends and participating in many sports are the highlights of my childhood. The first day of school can be frightening, I was scared because I didn’t know what to think about school.. This is how I felt about my first day of 1st grade, but I was introduced to my homeroom teacher and that soon made me feel a lot better. Every day of first grade I would practice writing my numbers and letters. I also loved having recess and hanging out with my best friend Tayla. We
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Hanging out with my friends was my favorite things to do at the races. In the winter time I didn’t stop playing basketball. During the games I made baskets after baskets. It was my last year playing basketball, and my team won each game and we advanced in the tournament. We played our hardest, but we didn’t win the game. Each semester I received excellent grades and that put me on the honor roll.
I walked through the long the hallways at Summit High School. The high school was a lot bigger than the middle school and elementary school. It was my first day of high school and I was afraid of how things would be for my freshman year. But I had couple of my friends that helped me out, the first day of school they introduced me to their friends. Receiving good grades at the high school, I was still on the honor roll.
I put my graduation cap and walked down the isle of the gymnasium, where my family members were there to honor my accomplishments. Throughout my twelve years at the Summit County schools I accomplished many goals that I’m proud
My high school experience was overall a mixture of being scared and growing to become who I am today. When I was in my first years of high school, it was just high school nothing more. I had seen teachers as teachers and friends as friends. I just
On the first day I was happy and ready to start my day. When I got my schedule I was lost. I didn’t know where to go. One of the staff members had to help me get to my class. I was hoping that I have a class with some of my friends that I knew since elementary school. When I came in. I saw my friend, I was so happy. I hurried up and sat in my seat before the bell rang.
When I arrived at Prosper High School on the first day of school, I was extremely nervous, but halfway through the day that all went away because I made a few friends and everyone was so nice and welcoming, which made me feel like
The first year, the time to prove myself had arrived. Classes, rooms, teachers, and some students were unfamiliar. Eventually, minutes melted into hours, hours to days, and days to weeks. It didn’t take long before my schedule was routine, something of second nature. Humor and happiness were found in the form of my advisory family, where school was transformed into something more than going through the same motions of day to day activity. By the closing point of sixth grade, I was having a hard time letting go of what I’d adapted to. “What’s wrong?” my dad asked when I was getting into the car after being picked up early on the last day. I explained how distressed I was that my first year of middle school exceeded my expectations, and that it had to come to an end. Although his outlook viewed my reason for sorrow as trivial, I didn’t.
Soon enough preschool was over and here came our elementary school days. Everyone met many people in kindergarten. Many will be my friends throughout high school and beyond. Kindergarten was filled with arts and crafts, my portfolio, 2008 handprints, and stamped tee shirts. Suddenly kindergarten graduation was here, everyone was paired up and danced with a partner. First grade flew by and then came second grade with Ms. Foisy and Ms. Okabioshi. Ms. Okabioshi was one of the best teacher assistance we have ever had. Third and fourth grade with Mrs. Schuler and Ms. Ittes. These years were filled with warm fuzzies, a lot of reading and writing, and a lot of fun playing on the playground. The class watched Shilo and everyone hated the evil father. After that came fifth grade with Mr. Sifferman, also known as Millie’s cousin, he gave the hardest tests we have ever taken, but the most fun and memorable times we have had. After that year many people changed schools, I moved to California.
1) Vocabulary study: write a definition for each of the following terms and then use each in a sentence that clearly demonstrates the meaning:
That first day of school that morning was filled with nerves, and heading into the school year. I was ready as usual and as soon as the bus came, waved to my parents as usual. The bus ride
Armed with new sneakers and a whole new vocabulary, I started my first day of school. It was a learning experience for both my parents and I, but when it was over I felt like I fit in. Kids do not care where you are from or if your English isn’t up to par. In fact they only cared about two things: how good you were at tag and what kinds of crayons you had. Lucky for me, I was doing great in both departments. I experienced my first year of elementary school alongside the friends I previously made.
Just like any freshman in high school I was very nervous about coming up to the high school but thankfully my sister and her friends were seniors so they made me
Freshman year I was shy and never really stepped out of my comfort space. I thought I was prepared for high school. I signed up for two honors class thinking that they would be hard but I knew I could figure them out. Reality was quickly thrown into my face.
Transferring from elementary to junior high was a big change for me and my classmates. Many of the things that scared us was having lockers, trying to find the rught class rooms and meeting new and bigger people. The only students that we knew were the kids a grade ahead of us and they all pitched in to help us find everything we needed. Having a new principal was also a different experience. Meeting Mr. Davis for the first time everyone was a little scared since we didnt know anything about him and that he was a little loud. But we would later realized that he would be one of our best friends.
I remember the very first day of school, I felt isolated and misunderstood. When I got there all eyes were on me, looking at me as the new kid, I was sweating in the cold. I felt like going back home. In a classroom full of 7th graders, students were
I started my high school career in the fall of 2014 at Euclid High School. It was a humid day. I was scared that my hair was going to be ruined due to the humidity and, ruin my day being that it was my birthday. I wasn’t nervous about being in the high school. I was most excited about getting out of school early and, that I only had four more years of school left. The transition from middle school and high school was pretty easy for me. Seeing as though that my best friend brother’s were already in high school, they would tell us stories about school, and that it isn’t what they show on tv.
As the years of elementary school passed by, the school day became easier, but the anxiety still
When I reflect on my experience of myself in elementary I remember all the things I liked about school. I remember the field trips that we took. I remember the times when I would get bullied. I remember so many little details about the time I had gone through in elementary. I remember all the friends I had made a school. I remember helping in the kitchen inside the lunch room. I remember playing different sports and becoming a great team leader. I also remember the fun and great times that I had with my classmates, when I wasn’t getting bullied by other kids.