
A Report On The Reagent

Decent Essays

The purposed of this investigation was to performed activities and interpret results on different tests such as Benedict’s test, Iodine test, Biuret test, Paper test on various foods such as banana, coconut milk, whole milk, peanut and potato as to what type of macromolecules (sugar, protein, starch, lipid) they have. I have come to a conclusion that when a reagent (Benedict’s reagent, Iodine reagent, Biuret reagent) was mixed with any type of solution, there is a reaction/ effect that takes in place once there is a presence of any type of macromolecule.

In this laboratory, we will study three classes of the largest biological molecules, called macromolecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins. The simplest form of …show more content…

I would also consider that potato, coconut milk peanut and banana will have starch in them. Lastly, I really think that banana, coconut milk, peanut and whole milk will have the presence of lipids in them. Are these really the case? After completing these exercises, we will come to a conclusion as to what type of macromolecules these foods may have.

For exercise one-Carbohydrates: Activity A, which were Monosaccharides and Dissacharides, Benedict 's reagent was used as a general test for small sugars. For detecting small sugars using Benedict 's test, two tubes with label one and label two was used. Dropped one dropperful of glucose into tube one which was the positive control. Dropped one dropperful of water into tube two for the negative control. Dropped two dropperfuls of Benedict’s reagent to each tube. Placed both tubes in the heat block for five minutes. Analyzed and recorded the results.
For exercise one- Carbohydrates: Activity B, starch was tested with the used of iodine reagent. Two tubes that was labeled one and two was used in this activity. Dropped a dropperful of starch solution in tube one which was the positive control. Dropped a dropperful of water into tube two for the negative control. Dropped three to four drops of iodine reagent into each tube. Analyzed and recorded the results.
For exercise two- Lipids: Paper test was used in this activity to indicate the presence of lipids in various

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