
A Research Study On Curricular Activities

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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This chapter contains Background of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the study, justification of the study, significance of the study, research hypothesis and finally, assumptions of the study. 1.0.1. Background of the problem. Many parents and students do not understand the importance of extracurricular activities. Parents hesitate to allow their children participate in extra-curricular activities because they feel that these activities distract their offspring from their academic work. This scenario tends to unfold either when a student is struggling academically or when the student wants to focus totally on academics to the exclusion of everything else. They feel that extra-curricular involvement is a waste of precious time. This is according to the study done by Massoni Erin 2011. In the past twenty years we have seen the new generation of young people being directed toward participating in school activities, mainly athletics. Today athletics and other activities play an important part in students’ lives. Carl Schlesser (2004). Is all this participation benefiting the students or is it harming their academics? One starting place is to examine the role of extracurricular activities. These school-sponsored activities have long been identified as being central to students’ social concerns (Eder & Kinney, 1995). It is clear that more students are participating in activities after school, but what are the effects for each

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