
A Research Study On Healthcare Providers ' Perceptions Of Breastfeeding Peer Counselors

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Qualitative Research
Ayva Rodriguez
Felician College

Qualitative Research
Qualitative research differs from quantitative research fundamentally but their objectives and applications overlap in many ways. Based on the quantitative article “Healthcare providers’ perceptions of breastfeeding peer counselors in the neonatal intensive care unit” (Rossman, Engstrom, & Meier, 2012, p. 461) that focused on the perceptions and experiences of the healthcare professionals who work with the peer counselors in the NICU department, this provides an in-depth understanding and insight about the intended research. The data collection is through a private interview using an interview guide that are semi-structured and open-ended questions, healthcare providers who participated in the study were asked about their perceptions of the breastfeeding peer counselor program as well as their experiences in working with the peer counselors (Rossman, Engstrom, & Meier, 2012, p. 461). Data were analyzed using the framework approach which is “the diffusion of innovations theory” (Rossman et al., 2012, p. 462) that focuses on the characteristics of the new breastfeeding peer counselor program in the NICU department (Rossman et al., 2012, p. 462). And the framework approach starts deductively but also uses inductive analysis and analytic analysis (Rossman et al., 2012, p. 464). While the quantitative research “breastfeeding protects against acute gastroenteritis due to rotavirus in infants”

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