
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Nationwide Super Bowl Commercials

Decent Essays

Every parent's biggest fear is losing their child, and Nationwide knows that. The popular car insurance company aired their annual super bowl commercial that left viewers feeling as if they had lost a child as well. Nationwide puts in place a scare tactic to leave its viewers fearing that if they don’t purchase this car insurance their children will die too. Advertisers in general use manipulating tactics such as fear, to scare certain groups into buying their products.
The commercial begins with a young boy riding his bicycle down the street. Seeming to be disappointed, he proceeds to name things he ‘won't’ ever be able to accomplish; learning to ride his bike, catching cooties, traveling the world with his dog, and getting married. Standing in front of what viewers assume is his home, the …show more content…

Not everyone reacted in such a comical way. Nationwide attempted to defend their argument as to why the dark commercial was necessary, but were attacked in the process with angry mothers commenting on the article. Young mother, Jennifer commented under foxes article very angered by what she had just witnessed, “Do you really think that commercial saved any lives? I'm concerned at how many people seem to think that the fact that bathtubs and bleach are dangerous to babies is somehow new info. (@jennnn)” After arguing her case in a long well thought out comment, she gets to the main point that most viewers would agree with, “That ad was about shock value, not genuine concern for the well being of children.” (@jennnn) All 3 of these comments connect back to the main point of this essay, that advertising such as this creates the illusion that if you don't buy this product, something bad will happen. The fear factor makes works in Nationwide's favor because most of the people viewing this commercial have children, and the thought of losing them is enough to get them to purchase this

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