
Creative Writing: Doctor Pax

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‘So, is this house haunted?’ asked Mosaic, as he stood outside the kitchen door.
‘Indeed, no!’ Doctor Pax shuddered.
‘Of course, it is!’ argued Mosaic. ‘A hundred years ago, the former owner built the house on a disused chalk mine. He fell in love with a local beauty, but she was already married, so he used an underground tunnel to visit her at night. Her husband found out and banished her to a neighbouring town. From then on, she lived in a caravan amongst a field of wheat, selling sprigs of heather, and reading tea leaves. Of course.’
‘Stop that nonsense!’ chuckled Doctor Pax. Then he watched as Haig strode inside the kitchen to shouts of delight.
To start with, Mrs Tiffin held him in a close embrace. ‘Master Haig, what a lovely surprise. Are you home for good?’
‘I certainly am! In any case, I got fed up with eating beans on toast every night.’
Then Haig kissed Mrs P full on the lips which made her blush ‘You haven’t aged one bit.’
Finally, he shook Spud by the hand. ‘How lovely to see you again.’
Right then, Doctor Pax heard a squeal from behind just as strong arms shoved him out of the way. When Matron charged inside the kitchen, she swept everyone from her path. ‘Haig, my dear, dear boy,’ she cried.
‘They are like mother and son,’ whispered Doctor Pax, after he regained his balance, then watched fondly as Matron embraced his son. ‘And I wouldn’t have it any other way.’
When he left Haig to meet and greet all the staff, Doctor Pax strode over to a plain wooden door in

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