
A Short Story : A Story?

Decent Essays

Once upon a time in a place far far away there lived a boy. This boy lived in a normal town just like yours. He was a normal kid just like you. He was in 6 grade and went to Sr Sammy middle school. Sammy was one of the first settlers of The boys planet. One day the boy got called to the principal's office. “ I am I in trouble “ He asked when he went to her office. Mrs. happy the principal said “ no, Connor but we just got informad that you got accepted to the trip”. “ OOOOOO my god !!!! “ He screamed with so much joy the principal had to cover her ears. “ Come down” The principal said in a quiet yell . The trip was a codename for a secret trip to a new planet. 40,000,000,000 people were selected. That was ⅓ of the planet..” pack your bags now you leave in 4 days” the principal said. Conner ran home, and packed his stuff and said his goodbyes to his family. A few days later, he was on the LEGEND.The LEGEND is the great ship that will take them to the new planet. ….. Conner was in his small, stuffy, and uncomputable room. He looked slowly at his new thing. In one corner there was his space suit and space gear. Across of that there was his shower, sink, and toilet. At the wall there was a medium size window with a desk and chair facing the window. Conner looked closer to his desk and saw his welcome sheet and his brand new computer 500. Finally there was his bed and door. “Attention Citizens we are now on are sleep sedial, please go to the medical center in your

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