
A Study On Attending Law School

Decent Essays

Attending law school has always been a part of “the plan” since I was twelve or thirteen years old. My interest was probably sparked by Hollywood’s interpretation of what it means to be a lawyer. I grew up thinking every day of a lawyer’s life was like an episode of Law & Order. Needless to say, while my desire to go to law school has remained, my motivations have definitely changed. In May of 2014 I began working at the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office shortly after earning my paralegal certificate from Widener University. I had previously studied criminal justice and political science at the University of Delaware and took and interest in criminal prosecution. The DA’s office has recently taken over traffic court after several judges were charged with fixing tickets in exchange for favors. Ten new paralegals were hired for the DA’s new traffic court unit, myself included. In the grand scheme of things, traffic violations can seem a bit trivial. However, being a paralegal with the traffic court unit was a unique and eye-opening experience that revealed some fundamental truths about the justice system. It is these fundamental truths that motivate me to continue my path in the legal field, and to pursue a law degree. As a traffic court paralegal, I have face-to-face encounters with defendants on an almost daily basis. As one might expect, there are a lot of traffic tickets issued in Philadelphia and, as a result, I have had

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