A study on organizational climate and employee performance
Organizations have become more challenging today. It is not for any particular organization but affects all the organization. Organizations are seeking to improve the performance. Many organizations are realized that human resources are of advantage and sustaining of the organization for a long term. It is significant that work environment play a positive role in exerting greater efforts from the employee. Thus positive work environment can be created with the help of organization climate intervention. Positive organizational climate motives the employees to perform well and rewards. Keywords:
Organizational climate, work environment, employee performance & Rewards
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Smith et al.(1969) treated job satisfaction both as a general attitude and as satisfaction with five specific dimensions: pay, work, promotion, supervision, and co-workers. According to Pareek (1989), stated organizational climate is cre¬ated by the perception of organizational members about the out¬come of interactions among five components of the organization. These interaction components are Structure, System, Culture, Leader behaviour, and employees’ psychological needs. Allen & Meyer, (1990) O’Reiily & Chatman, (1986) stated The Organizational commitment refers to the psychological attachment of workers to their workplaces Commitment to organizations is positively related to such desirable outcomes as job satisfaction (Bateman& Stasser, 1984; Mowday, Porter, & Steers, 1982), motivation (Mowday, Steers,& Porter,1979), and attendance (Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Steers & Rhodes, 1978) and negatively related to such outcomes as absenteeism and turnover (Clegg, 1983; Cotton & Tuttle,1986). Also, Horton stated that stronger commitment could result in less turnover and absenteeism, thus increasing an organization’s productivity (Schuler & Jackson, 1996, p.302). However, the relationship between organizational commitment and
Well-constructed employee attitude surveys can provide insight into organizational characteristics which impact employee behavior and organizational performance (Williams, 1998). Companies may use survey results to modify their management style, organizational culture, workplace characteristics, or incentives in order to improve worker satisfaction and overall productivity (Williams, 1998). Although the link between employee attitudes and actual work performance has been found to be somewhat inconsistent (Schleicher, Watt, & Greguras, 2004), research has confirmed at least a moderate correlation between job satisfaction and rates of employee absenteeism and turnover (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, & Konopaske, 2012).
The article was about leadership and motivation in the organization. How to measure organizational climate and the effect it has on the company. Organizational climate is the way a employee relates to there manager or leader. The relationship that the two share whether its good or bad and how it effects the labor of the employee. The environment that the organization operates in and how the employees adapt to it. Good leaders should focus on motivating their employees. High performance climate is measured by a employee doing what ever it takes to achieve there goals in the organization. Low performance climate is measured when employees are not achieving there goals and not always completing their daily task. The better the leadership is in an organization will tell show in the labor that is produce from its employee. Good leadership in a organization makes the work environment a better place for every one in the organization and will help produce good labor.
The authors purpose is to make the reader understand organizational climate defined as the policies, practices, and procedures that are rewarded, supported, and expected in an organization regarding a specific organizational domain, such as safety, innovation, customer service, and ethics such as climate for service, climate for safety and ethical climate. The climate for service can be evaluated by employees and customers on the level of customer service. Generally, when it is a strong climate the results will be the same. The climate of safety refers to employee perceptions of an organization's policies, practices, and procedures regarding safety that are rewarded, supported, and expected from employees. The ethical climate can be thought of as shared perceptions among group members regarding what constitutes ethically correct behavior and how ethical issues should be handled within an organization. The assessment of the organizational climate may reveal that the strategic direction of the organizational interest may not be perceived in organizational practices, policies and procedures and the organization may need to redesign to better align with their interest.
The way people act relects the way they feel about their jobs and it has a lot to do with their values and attudide about their workplace. Their job satisfaction and organizational commitment has to do with values in the workplace specifically with expectations, outcomes, acceptable behaviors those values are what an employee holds in regards to work.
There are three separate dimensions to organizational commitment: 1. Affective commitment is an emotional attachment to the organization and a belief in its values. For example, a Petco employee may be affectively committed to the company because of its involvement with animals. 2. Continuance commitment is the perceived economic value of remaining with an organization. An employee may be committed to an employer because she is paid well and feels it would hurt her family to quit. 3. Normative commitment is an obligation to remain with the organization for moral or ethical reasons. An employee spearheading a new initiative may remain with an employer because he feels he would “leave the employer in the lurch” if he left." (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p 77)
Organizational climate is the feeling of the overall organization. Glisson (2015) refers to leadership as meeting the need of its members play a huge role in the climate. The leadership behavior determines all staff and the culture of the organization. Also, the organizational climate plays a role in relationships among staff. If the leaders within the organization have discord than it will reflect in all staff (Hemmelgarn, 2006). Task oriented jobs play role in both retention and how one feel regarding the organization. If the climate of the organization is not designed to allow the DCW to be involved in the decision making process of patient care, it will decrease motivation, job satisfaction, and increase retention (Riggs & Rantz, 2001).
In recent years Organizational justice and organizational commitment have been investigated extensively as its impact on organization performance. Nurses commitment specifically has been studied extensively in different areas of the world and in Saudi Arabia as well. In the literature nurses commitment has been correlated with many independent variables such as job satisfaction, leadership style, communication, organizational support, level of Education, and many other independent variables. One study was conducted in South Florida’s long term facility indicated that nurses commitment not only has positive correlation with organizational support, leadership style, job satisfaction, buts also has positive correlation with level of education, and the results show that among these independent variables job satisfaction, and organizational support were more strong related to the nurses commitment (Al-Hussami 2009). Another study shows that affective commitment as a
For the goal to be achieved, the team members have to have a certain level of organizational commitment. Team members who possess a strong affective commitment are less likely to be absent from work and are more apt to engage in behavior that promotes organizational unity which helps create a more productive and positive workplace (Allen, 2007). Also, employees who feel that their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being can result in an increase of employees’ efforts to meet the organization's goals through greater attendance and performance (Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison, and Sowa, 1986).
Current studies indicate that job satisfaction brings relevance to organizational responsibility that affects employee commitment. Researchers determined that workplace experience is a direct correlation to job satisfaction and commitment. It is believed that job satisfaction is an important component in maintaining commitment. Commitment is an important factor in getting a person to stay with their organization. Committed employees are more than likely to consent to organizational goals. Employees who remain committed to the organizational objectives, are more likely
Many may argue that job satisfaction and organizational commitment are the same, but they are actually different.
Organizational commitment is one of the two individual outcomes derived from individual mechanisms like job satisfaction, stress, motivation, trust, justice, ethics, and learning and decision making. These mechanisms and outcomes can be found on the integrative model of organizational behavior (OB). Colquitt, LePine, and Wesson defined organizational commitment in their Organizational Behavior 5th Edition book as the desire of an employee to remain a member of the organization (p 64).
Organizational commitment is critical to organizations due to the desire to retain a strong workforce. Organizations want to know why employees stay or leave their organizations so if correction is needed they have some tools to proceed with the correction. High turnover of employees in an organization can determine if an organization is successful or not. While turnover is related to all three areas of commitment researchers have determined that Affective commitment is one most associated with absenteeism and organizational citizenship (Williams J. 2004).
Job satisfaction is the very important factor in general quality of life because it is closely connected with working life (e.g. Argyle, 1989; Bang & Lee, 2006), with family life, everyday life, and mental health (Orpen, 1978; Schmitt and Bedeian, 1982; Faragher, Cass & Cooper, 2005). Level of job satisfaction is also highly related to turnover, absenteeism rate, work productivity or accomplishment (Muchinsky, 1977; Organ, 1977). Many researchers (e.g. Cherrington, 1994; Acorn, Ratner & Crawford, 1997; Ostroff, 1992; Spector, 1997) state that employees who experience high job satisfaction contribute to organisational commitment, job involvement, their physical, mental health and overall well-being are improved. Job dissatisfaction on the
By the three types of commitment such to be Affective, continuance, and normative employees can reach to a high level of organizational commitment , high performance , high extra role behaviors , low turnover , tolerance of unsatisfactory working conditions , job satisfaction and low absenteeism.
Organizational commitment is the will of an employee to continue employment with an organization, put exert extra effort for the achievement of organizational goals, to be loyal to the employing organization and the level of identification of employee has with organization’s goals (Bateman, 1984). Organizational commitment is the topic which is gaining prominence over the years. Management and business owners are concerned about the organizational commitment of employees (Abdullah, 2012). Commitment of employees towards the organization is gaining wide importance and directly affects the performance of individual employee within the organization (Meyer, 1993). If individuals are committed towards the organization they work better and even outperform their co-workers and help gain an organization a more competitive position and brings more profitability. Mowday,