
A Study On The State University

Decent Essays

Suwannee is one of two large dining halls here on the FSU campus. Considering its proximity to my residence hall, it’s the one I visit the most. The origin of the word “Suwannee” comes from the Tumucua Indian language and has a variety of meanings depending on who is asked. This suggests that the institution is affiliated and supports the Native American culture. As you enter, you are greeted with a long corridor, that is filled with symbolic memorabilia and pictures that represent the Florida State University. This suggests that most people attending this dining hall are connected via the institution.
The first activity of this event is paying for the meals. There is one member of the staff who collects the money and once the hungry consumers’ cards are swiped, they are allowed to enter. The room has high ceilings with darkly stained wooden beams creating a baroque, yet elegant atmosphere. Food is served in a buffet style on a first come first serve basis. There seems to be no discrimination or division upon who is allowed to eat first and who gets more food. There are a variety of different stations containing different types of food. The culinary diversity shows that this culture takes in to account individual diversity, as well as cultural diversity. There is loud pop-music playing which muffles the dull roar of social chitchat. There is an understood social etiquette, as most people are not yelling or causing a commotion, and when someone does make “too much noise”

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