
A Summer-Over Summer Trip To The Summer

Decent Essays

Over summer break Emily, rachel, and I all went to Kings Dominion. First we went on most of the dry attractions, and almost all of the big rides and roller coasters. It was a day full of jokes and laughter, posing for the pictures on rides, very long lines, and eating junk food until we felt sick. I have always loved roller coasters and big rides at amusement parks, even though I get scared before riding them. I enjoy the adrenaline and rush of excitement I get. As we were walking around the park we came across one of the attractions, that you have to pay for, and it’s like a giant swing. Rachel and Emily both shouted, “We NEED to do that later!” and I agreed that we should. It looked like it was going to be a lot of fun and a new …show more content…

I was standing there glaring up at the gigantic metal loops, thinking about how that’s how high up I am about to be. We were getting hooked up to the machine, that brings us to the top before dropping us, and I noticed my foot bar was a little bit loose. The way we were strapped in is, we were laying down facing the ground attached to some cords and wires with our feet straight out pushing on a plastic bar. Anyways, when I noticed my foot bar was loose, I told one of the workers and she tightened it. After she tightened it, it still felt a bit loose. It couldn’t be any tighter though or my knees would be bent. I was worried and thought the bar would be a problem so I asked one of the workers what would happen if the bar fell out from my feet and she said, “If the bar falls then you will fall out of the vest.” Before I could say anything, the worker pushed the button and we started slowly rising higher and higher into the air. I started freaking out thinking of all the possible scenarios that could happen if the bar fell. Once we got to the top we were dangling there, just the three of us. As I looked down all I could think about was how scared I was. I was up there for a good two minutes so sure I was about to die. Finally, the worker says “3...2...1… FLY” and that’s when Emily pulled the string and we were heading straight for the ground. As soon as we

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