
Abolish Juvenile Court Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction In review of truth of this article of whether or not to abolish juvenile court illustrates that juvenile courts have different standards when it come to juvenile, it appears that juvenile lack due process protections that are afforded to adult criminal procedures because juvenile courts designed to be rehabilitative for the juvenile. However, with no due process of law afforded to the juvenile he or she receives the worst of both worlds he gets neither the protection afforded to the adult offender nor the solicitous care nor regenerative treatment postulated for children. The court system do not use the same standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt in which the supreme court held that juvenile courts needed to employ the same standards of proof as they do for the adult offenders. Therefore, the juvenile is subjected to violation of the Fifth Amendment’s double jeopardy clause, which prohibits trying an offender twice for the same crime. When they are transferred to an adult …show more content…

When transfer to adult court juveniles’ procedural rights may increase in adult courts, but would have multiple drawbacks for a youth. Once the juvenile has transferred in criminal court, the juvenile can be sentenced to longer punishments, lose the right to vote and received educational funding by the government and will have a criminal record that can be used against him if he commits another crime. Therefore, this juvenile is being subjected to the three strikes sentencing structure. Juveniles are also victimized in the adult penal setting in which waivers have been known to increase more crimes by the youth. Juvenile retained in the juvenile system are not more likely to reoffend than those waived youths will reoffend more quickly and more often, than those

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