Animal Experimentation has been going on since the early 1900’s and hasn’t taken a break since then. Every day 273,972 animals die from animal experimentation that includes dogs,monkeys,cats,cow,rats,fish,mice,lambs, and birds. Animal Experimentation should be abolished because it leads to death or severe illnesses and Animals become violent and start to self-harm themselves. Would you want to live in a world where you were experimented on everyday?
Animal Experimentation leads to death/illnesses/mental illnesses. Animals suffer everyday from undergoing purposeful injuries and deadly surgeries that when happening don’t even get a pain killer or antibiotic to calm or numb the pain. Usually all experiments and surgeries lead to death and suffering,”Animal Ethics that concludes that the practice is “unthinkable” and “in terms of harm, pain, suffering, and death,this constitutes one of the major moral issues of our time””(Goodman Justin ⅓) Animals die and suffer from the pain they have to got through just to see if one little item will help clean a house or help out cosmetologists or even a little pill that they think can cure cancer but really only kills animal.
Animals are abused daily and contract diseases that animals never usually affect
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Thanks to the work of scientists and physicians at Duke University, an experimental new treatment for glioblastoma multiforme, or GBM-- an aggressive tumor that kills about 12,000 people in the U.S. each year--is saving the lives of patients who, just months ago, had little hope of survival”(Trull 1). Animal Experimentation has saved over 12,000 people's lives from discovering new medicine and treatment but that number isn't even close to the number of animals that are killed each
James Archer and Jack Williams came from SFOD (Special Forces Operations Division). James was famous for his enemies with the use of his arrows and knives meanwhile Jack is known for his skillset when it comes to the use of firearms. On the day of April 7, 2025 the government found out about the location of the rebel's bases. Government called out Jack and Archer for the briefing at the base.
It is not ethical to harm any animal and one must not go against his or her morals. Scientists are often blinded by the negative effects against the animals. They are slit opened, poisoned, and tortured. Imagine being contained in an insufficient amount of area, chances are, you may often experience impaired brain development or anxious behaviors. Pre-experimentation conditions is not where it ends, animals experience harmful scenarios that occur in a laboratory. Often, animals are injected with conditions that a healthy animal may not be familiar with. Species of all kinds experience psychological reactions from drugs that are provided to them. Over the many, not just one, but many laboratories, monkeys are addicted to drugs, cats consist of holes drilled into their skulls, rats have their spinal cords crushed, and many indescribable conditions are forced into animals. It has been identified that an estimated 26 million animals are used every year in just only the U.S for research. Currently, the number of animals dead in experiments is unknown, as no attention is provided towards the issue. How heartless can the society
Animal experiments prolong the suffering of people waiting for effective cures by misleading experiments which squander precious money, time and resources that could have been spent on human relative research. This wasteful experiment continuously get in the way of forward-thinking scientist who could have developed more humane, modern cures, not using animal research. Using material’s such as human based research, human patient simulators
“Millions of animals die each year in Laboratory experiments.” Are their deaths worth it? People have reported seeing research animals in pain, moaning, shrinking back in fear, and being killed during experiments. Cats used for AIDS research, eye and ear disorders. Monkey used for polio, cancer, heart disease. Dogs being used for pacemakers, hip tests. And that’s just naming a few. Animal Testing must be stopped immediately.
Experimenting on animals need to be regarded as unacceptable by means of many due to the fact that it causes needless suffering to animals, the benefits of these experiments are yet to be proven, and any advantages humans do attain can be produced in different approaches than experimentation. The U.S. law permits animals to be poisoned, burned, shocked, starved, isolated, drowned, intelligence damaged, and addicted to drugs. There is no test that is prohibited and pain killers are not required, whether or not the test is painful or minor. Animal testing and experiments should be banned because of the excessive animal cruelty involved, the
Every year, a total of one million children die from pneumonia. If you multiply that number by one hundred, you will have the number of animals that suffer painful deaths due to medical experimentation in U.S. laboratories each year. This number includes animals of all types, from mice and rats to fish and birds. These animals are typically used because of tradition rather than actual scientific reasoning, making their deaths all the more cruel. Animal experimentation is not only unethical, but ineffective and expensive. It should be phased out and replaced with technological alternatives.
Animals make good research subjects for a variety of reasons. Animals are biologically similar to humans. They are susceptible to many of the same health problems, and they have short life cycles so they can easily be studied throughout their whole life span or across or several generations. Animals are used in research to develop drugs and medical procedures to treat diseases. Scientists may discover such drugs and procedures using alternative research methods that do not involve animals. The safety within products is tested on animals before it is on
Experimentation in animals is cruel. While the Animal Welfare Act, “the source of all federal rules and regulations governing the use of laboratory animals”, was created in 1985, it doesn’t protect the rights of animals (United States, Congress, House, Page 1). While the basic needs of animals are protected by this act, it doesn’t protect animals from being experimented on in the first place. Animals have been injected with diseases so that scientists can try, and often fail, to cure them. They have been given unapproved drugs so that scientists can watch their reactions. This ultimately ends in the death of these animals. They are being forced to cope with disease and pain that they would not have had to otherwise endure. In the name of science, we have burned, gouged, maimed, and traumatized innocent creatures so that humans can reap the benefit of things as trivial as cosmetics. Experimentation “is cruel and inhumane, and no amount of scientific
Animal experimentation is not necessary anymore due to modern day technology. New technology is built all the time now. Some of that technology can be used to end experimenting. What is the point of experimenting on animals if it doesn’t always apply to humans? The testing is cruel. If you love animals, then take a stand. Stop animal
The abuse of animals by scientists and them being held against their will is very unnecessary; therefore animals should not be used in experiments. Animal testing is cruel and inhumane and shouldn’t be used. These animals are being restrained and abused by the scientists in labs and universities across the world. Ending animal experimentations is something that should be done because it is not needed and it is cruelty to
Ian Murnaghan, a medical writer, explains the animals are usually “euthanized”, or killed, after experiments. This proves that the animals that are used in experiments are seen as unworthy and unimportant to the scientists and/or companies conducting the experiments. For the vast majority of the animals involved in experimentation, the distress they have been put through is irreversible. They cannot withstand being put into the wild or being adopted by humans, so they are usually killed (Murnaghan). The permanent struggles animals endure due to testing prove the practice to be inhumane and cruel.
According to the Laboratory Animal Resource Center, “more than 100 million animals are killed in experiments each year in the United States” (qtd. in Technology). Animal experimentation is a scientific process that tests chemical substances on animal subjects versus human subjects to see how they react with the different body systems. This process has been used all over the world, but today, it is used in very few places around the world. Animal experimentation can be used for cosmetic research to see how makeup products, soaps, or moisturizers will react on the skin. This process can also be used for medical research to find cures or vaccines for various diseases. Animal experimentation is made to sound like a good thing, but in
In laboratories, scientists discover new projects and are quick to start testing those discoveries. This issue needs to be brought to attention to stop the experiments and save 100 million animals from dying. Animal experimentation should be banned and illegal because it is a form of animal cruelty and violates animal rights, animals react to certain things very different from humans making them poor test subjects, and on top of all that, it is a huge waste of money due to the animals constantly dying.
In conclusion animal experimentation should be terminated because it is old fashioned, bad science, and its is morally wrong. And all we can look forward to in the future is that we stop experimentation on animals and start using
“They are enslaved, beaten, and kept in chains… mutilated and confined in tiny cages… burned, blinded, poisoned, and cut up alive in the name of ‘science’... electrocuted, strangled, and skinned alive…” (Animals in Medical). Animals have been subject to experimentation and testing for “science” since 258 BC. Animal testing used to be used for the benefit of animals and mankind, however animal experimentation has gone downhill from when it first started. Some say that animal experimentation benefits society and its advancement of medicine, however, animal experimentation is wrong because it causes unnecessary pain to animals that have not done anything to us.