
Abortion Argumentative Analysis

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Lately, the U.S. has been divided, republican vs. democratic, state vs. state, illegal immigrants vs. citizens and pro life vs. pro choice. The question of what is right and what is best for the people of America, but people will only talk about the issues in america without taking any action to help the problems. Especially, when it comes to abortion not only does it question America's motives, but also it’s morals.
The problem with abortion is the mere fact that women are given the choice to kill a human being. There have been no boundaries of where the line draws when it comes to killing a baby. Many women argue that it’s there body so it’s their choice, but I believe anyone will say anything to not deal with the consequences of their actions and that's what abortion is; being able to not take responsibility for what they have done. Researchers have conducted surveys to find out why women get abortions and 74% women said they wanted to continue their education, 73% said they couldn’t afford it and 48% said they didn't want to be a single mother or affect their …show more content…

Murders all over the U.S are given a death penalty for how bad the person was. What could be worse than killing a human being who had no say in there future? Not only should women who get abortion be given the death penalty, but also the people who help the women get an abortion. The owner of the clinic, the nurses, and the doctors will all be given a death penalty because they were an accessory to the murder. Giving the death penalty will make all abortion clinics shut down and women will be keeping babies alive. Not only will this keep abortion rates very low, but it could help the future for being able to fill vacant job positions. With more babies being born means more population which helps with employment. Giving the death penalty to murdering mothers is justice served and the best solution for

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