
Abortion: There Must Be Another Way

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There Must Be another Way
Abortion is a sore topic that is usually two sided,. Meaning a person is either pro-choice or pro-life. Pro-choice believe that it is the woman's decision to have an abortion because it is her body. Pro-life believe that abortion is always wrong no matter what the circumstance is. According to Journalist Beverly Kemp, Abortion is being used as a form of birth control especially by teenagers. Abortion is not something to be taken lightly, and with each abortion there can be detrimental effects to the woman’s body and mind. I hope to see a change in abortion laws so that they are more realistic. While I do not believe abortions should be legal i do understand that many others believe the woman has the right to do whatever …show more content…

It is not a decision that a woman can make lightly or one that she should make on her own based on simple thought processes. Abortion is scary, and also goes against what many believe is ethically right. The bible says " shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgement." (Matthew 5:21) God teaches all christians through the bible that killing is wrong, no matter what reasoning people may give. Killing goes against the 10 commandments discussed in exodus as well as peoples ethical values. Another controversial question thati spart of this discussion is, does the "fetus" as some may call it, have any rights? This goes along with the discussion asking when the fetus is considered a oerson, is it from conception or is it from the time the fetus or baby could survive outside of the womb? Accoring to pro-life beleivers, the answer is conception. The baby growing inside the womans uterus is a child form the time it is conceived. WHile pro choice beleivers, who akiogn with the governments decision on this issue, that the fetus is not considered a person until it could survive outisde of the womb. Leonard Peikoff from the greenhaven press is appearingly on the fence withthe issu because he says, " Embryos are potential persons but claim that individual rights pertain only to actual persons". The catholic church as well as most other christian faiths, beleive thatr an embryo is more than just an embryo; the …show more content…

The "fetus" or baby growing inside the womans uterus could potentially become the doctor or scientist that cures cancer, but we would never know it because of the legalization of abortion, without enoigh limitations. Women, especailly teenagers have began ot use abortiona s a form of contraception, because they feel they are not ready to have a baby. The teens not only have one abortion, like it could have just been a poor decision or malfunction, they have several all becaus eit is legal. Abortion needs to have limitations and regulations in place to keep this from happening. These young women think abortion is woinderful being that they wont have to aassume the role of mom but what they don’t realize is that it can be more harmful ot them than they think. Abortion can cause them both mental and physcial hardship. Some women becoem clinically depressed after the procedure, and some have issues getting pregnant after having an

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