
Essay on About the The Abrahamic covenant

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The Abrahamic covenant is one that deals with fertility and the significance of symbolic sacrifices during this time period (Genesis 17:1). In the story of Abraham and Isaac, God “tests” Abraham by telling him to sacrifice his son. While this may seem cruel, God does not allow Isaac to be sacrificed. While Gods motives are questionable, close reading in Genesis shows that based on the story of Abraham and Isaac, human sacrifice is affirmed but only under certain conditions. A sacrifice that involves the death of a human is unacceptable. However, symbolic sacrifice is a vital part of the story because the “test” of Abraham is best thought of as a request for a symbolic or ritualistic sacrifice in place of the sacrificing of human life.
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Despite the fact that Abraham had a clean track record and had no reason for his loyalty to be questioned, God granted Abraham a long bloodline that would carry on and a son that he loved, so it was a test to make sure that Abraham would not forget all that God guaranteed him Sacrifice does play a big role in the Abrahamic covenant however, because circumcision was a key element in the sealing of the covenant. Circumcision was the physical sacrifice that men made to symbolize their connection with God and each other as a part of the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 17:1). The Abrahamic covenant was the first in the biblical scriptures that had any mention of human sacrifice at all because all sacrifices until up until this point had been of animals. God ordered this new type of “physical sacrifice”, right after he and Abraham had made the covenant. If not for circumcision, there would be no relationship or promise between God and Abraham because essentially the covenant had already been fulfilled through the physical sacrifice of circumcision. Therefore, it would not make sense for Isaac to be killed because the promise of the covenant was dependent on his existence. This type of sacrifice is acceptable because it is a human sacrifice. Males sacrifice blood and a part of their skin as a sign of this covenant. This is important because it shows that human sacrifice

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