
Abuse in Health and Social Care

Decent Essays

1.1 What is abuse? Abuse is the infringement of an individual's human and civil rights by another individual or persons. The following is the definition of abuse in The Protection for Persons in Care Act (PPCA). In this statement, "abuse" is defined as mistreatment, whether physical, sexual, mental, emotional, and financial or a combination of any of them, that is reasonably likely to cause death or that causes or is reasonably likely to cause serious physical or psychological harm to a person, or significant loss to the person's property. Abuse of a person often includes behavior that is abusive in one or more of the categories outlined on the following pages. In particular, the majority of people who are experiencing abuse of any kind …show more content…

o Is the worker trying to make contact with the service user outside the agreed working environment? o Does the worker appear to be trying to humiliate or belittle the service user? If the answer to any of these questions is 'yes', the worker may be guilty of psychological or emotional abuse. • Neglect Neglect cuts across all the areas described in this section. Abuse is usually defined as harmful action; neglect can be understood as a form of abuse by failing to act. If a health or social care worker has failed to do something within their professional remit that is in the service user's best interest, this is neglect. Examples of neglect include, but are not limited to: o Failing to act on a service user's concerns about their physical or mental health o Failing to act on a service user's complaints about the care or treatment they are receiving from others, or on the signs of ill-treatment or neglect o Failing to act on indications that a service user's health, or ability to care for him or herself, is deteriorating o Failing to act on a service user's expressions of extreme mental distress, such as suicidal feelings. 1.1.3 Which adults are vulnerable to abuse? Some adults are less able to protect themselves than others and some have difficulty making their wishes and feelings known. This may make them vulnerable to abuse. They may also be vulnerable because they are in need of community care services due to

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