
Ace Of Pentacles Research Paper

Decent Essays

Ace of Pentacles * ACE of Pentacles is the home of the Universe and Paradise belongs to all mankind on Earth. ACE of Pentacles is a document belongs to you to be in Eternal life with your loved one. Where you legally reside in love and harmony with your loved one in eternity.

Two of Pentacles * Two of Pentacles-come talk to you, with dedicated pair, which legitimately belongs to Paradise. Where is the power of love and Eternal life in the Universe, and the home of loving people, where the power of love is boundless.

Three of Pentacles * Three of Pentacles. In the House of the Universe will never be the third between two loving people, it tells you the Three of Pentacles. According to the laws of pentacles, the third has no right to discuss …show more content…

Where legally you belong to eternal life. Seven of Pentacles-tells you about that in the future you with your favorite person with whom you live out all the happy life on Earth and will go into Eternal life, where will be in eternity legit in love and harmony. Seven of Pentacles is the symbol of the hearth in the Universe, in Eternal life for people loving each other. Seven of Pentacles is a symbol of happiness for lovers.

Eight of Pentacles * Eight of Pentacles-tells you about the future of conversation with your loving you man, about creating a family in the legitimate love with him. You should not refuse, it is your legal fate to him belongs Eternal life. If you refuse him, another such a loving person you like this you will never meet. If you agree, you will be with him in Eternal life is eternal love.

Nine of Pentacles * Nine of Pentacles is a confirmation of your happiness. You must meet in the future. His legitimate love belonging to Eternal life. His legitimate love belonging to family life. Belonging to Paradise, home of love Eternal life. Where you will stay forever in Eternal life, love and harmony with your loved

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