
Active Listening Essay

Decent Essays

Project 9.4 The New CSR—Temporary Hire
A temporary, six-month CSR position has just been filled at Dallas Distribution Center. The new hire is Abhey Patel, a very nice and bright person, who everyone agrees works extremely hard. Abhey has recently established citizenship in America from his homeland, India. Realizing the need to write to customers using proper English and grammar, the other CSRs have been covering for Abhey, proofreading his letters and e-mail messages for him. He is currently enrolled in an ESL (English as a Second Language) night class, but he hasn’t mastered all the fine points yet.
Respond to these questions regarding Abhey’s situation:

•Review the exercise above - Decision Making at Work titled “Project 9.4: The …show more content…

Time, repetition and experience will all play important roles in the mastering of English communication skills. Abhey will need to rely not only on the advice and assistance of his co-workers, but on his experience and understanding of the English language as well. Realizing the importance of studying English, not only to speak, but to read, write and comprehend the English language will be key. Merely picking up tips on spoken English to learning the language as a whole is not enough, as words can be taken out of context. Perhaps taking additional English courses, such as a Business English Course, in addition to his ESL course could advance Abhey’s understanding of the language.

I do believe that Abhey’s supervisor should be made aware of the fact he is still struggling with his business writing skills and that the other representatives are continuing to help him. As a supervisor, one of your responsibilities is to identify and recognize both the strengths and weaknesses of your representatives and to capitalize on their strengths and to try and work through any weaknesses. Every employee aspires to see himself as a vital part of the organization. During supervision, a supervisor divides the work in a manner that makes every person feel the responsibility for an important job in the organization. By getting this kind of importance, an employee feels motivated and he takes his responsibility with more diligence.
When an employee struggles to complete

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