
Improving The Business Writing Skills Of Students Essay

Better Essays

We Need to Improve the Business Writing Skills of Students Continuously a hot topic in higher education is the assurance of learning. Do the students who have graduated actually have the skill they were promised? The case study focused on business writing in an MBA program and presented a perspective, five steps for improvement for MBA students’ writing skills. Furthermore, the study provided examples used in the assessment process as well as data analysis used close the circle in the learning cycle. Consequently, the study finished with ideas for future improvement and lessons learned in the process. The major concern was that students both past and present did not meet the expectations of professional writing. These complaints were expressed by both corporate executives and graduate faculty. The situation was summed up at a curriculum review meeting. They may have the greatest ideas in the world but, if they cannot express them clearly and persuasively in simple paragraph form, that is clear, concise, and grammatically correct, they are of no use to the company. This case study focused on one component of the program: the process of teaching and assessing business writing for the MBA program. Furthermore, they also offered ideas for helping the students who struggled with weak writing skills. The literature on business writing courses is limited, of the 32 programs studied, 18 had required communication classes, and only four had writing proficiency requirements. The

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