Most people with addictive behaviors are difficult to spot because they hide the behaviors out of embarrassment and shame. Furthermore they are hard to recognize as they are extensive and widespread. Identifying and confronting the root of the addictive behavior is the only means to set an addictive person up for a successful future through treatments, support and assistance. There are numerous signs to help family and friends become aware, treat, and support a person suffering from an addictive personality disorder. Some of these signs include an attraction to impetuous behavior, low self-esteem and antisocial tendencies, someone with a weak commitment to goals and accomplishments, a disposition towards sensation seeking and toleration of …show more content…
The effect for the addict, as well as the family is the most damaging of all addictive disorders. Prescription drugs, heroin, cocaine, and meth are examples of drug abuse. The addictive behavior generally starts with peer pressure and then develops into a habit to release the pressures felt from life’s hassles. While the drug user is aware of the health and financial impact of the drug addiction, the drug is more important than the addiction to drugs itself.
Gambling addiction can quickly escalate, creating major havoc in life, including family problems, loss of employment, loss of material possessions such as a house or car, health problems, and even complications with the law. An addiction to gambling can start off with simply buying a scratch ticket, visiting a casino or playing the hounds or horses. The tricky problem starts when the craving is so compulsive that they cannot stop thinking about it, until they have to take action, and then lack the ability to control their behavior while gambling either day-to-day or just on a
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It typically starts in the adolescent ages and frequently accompanies depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse. Eating disorders can lead to heart and kidney complications and even death. Receiving help and support early is imperative. Treatment involves monitoring, talk therapy, nutritional therapy, and sometimes prescribed medications. Another part of eating disorders can involve over exercising as it has many of the same effects, including poor health and lack of adequate nutrition, breakdown of joints, mental anguish when an exercise plan is disrupted, and the neglect of family and
Addiction is everywhere, from celebrity tabloids, to television, and possibly to a family member or close friend. There is alcoholism, drug abuse, and gambling addiction; the effects of such are devastating. For example, the following excerpt is from the harrowing Leaving Dirty Jersey: A Crystal Meth Memoir by James Salant:
“We have all learned that addiction and mental illnesses are illnesses, and I think a lot of people overlook that it is a chemical imbalance; it’s like cancer, a sickness and people need to see that.” (Poppy Delevingne). Gambling an addiction that people harm controls. Addiction is a personal feeling of discomfort which becomes to act out no a signal to connect with others; Addiction is a relationship problem. Addiction affects people and serves their lives like Angie Bachmann and Rebecca. Angie was a mother of three daughters. Her youngest daughter started kindergarten, and the other was in middle school. Angie shouldn’t overcome her addiction to gambling. Angie was unsuccessful in finding a way to stop her gambling addiction while Rebecca found her way to recover. Rebecca felt her mistake in gambling does; she decided to change her life for the better Rebeca asked the pastor to let her work in the church in her spare time instead of gambling. It managed to change her life and the left gambling and became a member of the association.
Whip let these issues get the best of him and realized when things had to come to an end. Whip tried to control his addictions 7 days before his testimony and he failed himself. When things like this happens that’s when drug addiction camp comes a long and rehab. He was sentenced to jail time and over the year he had become sober. He had to face the truth in order for him to actually help himself.
The compulsive actions and thoughts associated with addiction vary from one individual to another. Thereby, it is extremely important for the assessor to carefully examine Jennifer’s background to understand the causes of her gambling in order to administer the right course of treatment. As a typical stay at home mom, “Jennifer” mother of three, started gambling approximately 10 years ago. Jennifer stated that in the beginning, she attended horse races with a couple of her friends as a form of entertainment. At first, she bets in small amount with hopes of hitting it big and surprising her husband Michael. Even though Jennifer does not win anything big, she continued to bet. Later on, Jennifer began buying lottery ticket with a weekly expenditure
Family and close relationships are dramatically affected by someone who is an addict. The close individuals are brought into a world that they may not even know they are entering. Therefore, it can cause a number of psychological and behavioral problems they were not prepared for. Depending on the families boundary system the change that is happening can be smooth or rigid. Those family systems that display rigid boundaries have the most difficult adapting to an addict (Lewis, 2013). Addicts are not predictable which can cause chaos in a rigid environment.
Gambling disorder involves the urge to gamble continuously despite financial and social consequences or a desire to stop. It is seen as being out of control and dominating the person’s life. It is important to note that most gambling is not associated with a mental disorder as it is often a form of recreation in many cultures around the world. “Gambling can be defined as placing something of value at risk in the hopes of gaining something of greater value” (Potenza, 2008). Pathological gambling affects approximately between 0.1 percent and 2 percent of the population (Petry, 2016).
The addiction of gambling can be compared to the addiction of alcohol, however it is not a disease but more of a dependency. “Addiction can be something defined as an activity or element in which people become completely absorbed in in a compulsive manner, leading to extremely negative life outcomes” (Peele, 2001). Research has demonstrated that the
Are you or someone you know facing the struggle of addiction? Addiction is the state of being addicted to a certain idem or thing. A specific example of an addiction is drugs, a chemical that harms the body of the user. Addiction is a very powerful weapon used against us. Ultimately, what is at the stake here is lives. The issue of addiction to drugs is related to so many people. Almost everyone has someone in their lives who is facing the struggle of addiction. Without someone to motivate addicts to do better, they will possibly never have the boost they need to overcome addiction. Addiction to drugs have many effects on someone’s personal self and their families, but in most cases, drug abuse effects families more than it does to the addict.
“An addict is a slave to his habit. The word comes from the Latin addictus which in Roman law meant a debtor awarded as a slave to his creditor.” (p. 85) To have an addiction is to live in a world of hopelessness. A person is hooked and there seems to be no answer or remedy. Mains list some of the most common addictions like alcohol, work, porn, sex, gambling, anger, spending, and even watching TV. What is the difference between addictive and compulsive behavior? “By contrast, compulsive behavior is more in the realm of an irresistible impulse to perform irrational acts.”(p. 86) Mains gives the examples of hand washing, making lists over and over, and house cleaning. Sometimes a bad habit can eventually become a compulsion or addiction. The author shows in the Bible with Abraham as having a compulsion of lying.
The impact of drug abuse and dependence can be far-reaching, affecting almost every organ in the human body. Drug use can Cause seizures, stroke and widespread brain damage that can impact all aspects of daily life by causing problems with memory, attention and decision-making, including sustained mental confusion and permanent brain damage. (Effects of Drug Abuse and Addiction) Not only does drug abuse make physical changes, but may disturb a person's social life and family life as well. For instance,when family members with drug problems are at home, it may not be safe for kids. They might not be alert enough to protect their kids from accidents or from other adults who would harm them. There might be a lot of fighting. They might abuse or neglect their children. (Drug Abuse Hurts Families). In addition to drug addiction causing a problematic family life would be drug abuse may use up the family's money and make parents unable to work and earn money. The children might go without heat, food, electricity, or even a place to
Substance abuse and the addiction to these substances that can result takes a terrible toll on families and friends of an addict. The problem becomes even larger when we look at all the millions of addicts in society when we consider drugs, alcohol, smoking and all the other substances that people can become addicted to. These are addictions that have a powerful physiological effect on people but then there are behavioral addictions such as gambling. It has been commonplace over the past couple decades to regard those who face addiction as having a disease, but there are increasing numbers of experts who say this view is wrong.
Living hundreds of miles from my friends and family, having a smart phone has helped me to be able to share my life with them and vice versa. Social media sites such as Facebook, and video chatting on Facetime help to keep me connected to my loved ones. My parents can watch my children grow without missing major milestones and even though they may not be here in person, the interaction is still there. I have begun to notice though, that my small children are attached to my phone as well. In the car they constantly ask for a video to watch or a game to play so they don’t have to feel any kind of boredom and I fear this is teaching them to never know how to entertain themselves or how to use their imagination. We, the parents, should be teaching
In our society we place high regard in individuals that are independently motivated and generally motivated towards purposes that are considered to be respectable within our society as contributing something. When individuals suffer from addiction deviate from this acceptable behavior they are often ostracized by society and in turn fall into a cycle where they are unable to better themselves not only because of their own addiction but because of the limiting view of an addict in our society. When addiction takes over an individuals being they become less capable of making decisions not related to finding or using a drug. Another aspect of this is the range of what addictive behaviors are considered acceptable in our society where it is
Gambling and other process addictions are disorders that arise when a person engages in an action that can be satisfying, but the constant use of which becomes obsessive and inhibits normal life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, or health. Addicted people may not be conscious that their behavior is out of control and is creating difficulties for themselves and the others (DuPoint, 1997). Process addictions are dependent on a practice, such as gambling, eating, spending, sex, and working. Sometimes, people have difficulties accepting that this behaviour is an addiction, and they tend to possess a confidence that they can definitely stop this compulsive behaviour. Process addictions are considered difficult to overcome than substances addiction, such as drugs and alcohol.