
Addictive Behaviors

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Most people with addictive behaviors are difficult to spot because they hide the behaviors out of embarrassment and shame. Furthermore they are hard to recognize as they are extensive and widespread. Identifying and confronting the root of the addictive behavior is the only means to set an addictive person up for a successful future through treatments, support and assistance. There are numerous signs to help family and friends become aware, treat, and support a person suffering from an addictive personality disorder. Some of these signs include an attraction to impetuous behavior, low self-esteem and antisocial tendencies, someone with a weak commitment to goals and accomplishments, a disposition towards sensation seeking and toleration of …show more content…

The effect for the addict, as well as the family is the most damaging of all addictive disorders. Prescription drugs, heroin, cocaine, and meth are examples of drug abuse. The addictive behavior generally starts with peer pressure and then develops into a habit to release the pressures felt from life’s hassles. While the drug user is aware of the health and financial impact of the drug addiction, the drug is more important than the addiction to drugs itself.
Gambling addiction can quickly escalate, creating major havoc in life, including family problems, loss of employment, loss of material possessions such as a house or car, health problems, and even complications with the law. An addiction to gambling can start off with simply buying a scratch ticket, visiting a casino or playing the hounds or horses. The tricky problem starts when the craving is so compulsive that they cannot stop thinking about it, until they have to take action, and then lack the ability to control their behavior while gambling either day-to-day or just on a …show more content…

It typically starts in the adolescent ages and frequently accompanies depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse. Eating disorders can lead to heart and kidney complications and even death. Receiving help and support early is imperative. Treatment involves monitoring, talk therapy, nutritional therapy, and sometimes prescribed medications. Another part of eating disorders can involve over exercising as it has many of the same effects, including poor health and lack of adequate nutrition, breakdown of joints, mental anguish when an exercise plan is disrupted, and the neglect of family and

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