
Adnan's Burial

Decent Essays

Adnan’s placid attitude on top of physical evidence from Lee and calls pinging him to the sight of her burial proves that he committed the murder.
Adnan’s newly bought cell phone proved to give the court sufficient evidence of his whereabouts. At 3:32 p.m a call of paramount importance was made to Nisha. This is significant because according to Sarah she is “someone only Adnan knew” (Koenig, ”The Case Against Adnan Syed”). Nisha had stated that she talked to Adnan for a short time, then handed the phone to Jay(Koenig). The fact that Nisha can clearly recall talking to both Jay and Adnan, confirms that they were together around the time of Hae’s murder. Another important call made from the phone was to Krista. Which, according to Sarah, is “Someone …show more content…

A slight time after the arrest, Asia composed and sent a few letters to Adnan. These letters revealed that Asia claimed to see Adnan in the library on January 13th. However, a short period later she declared that “She’d only written it because she was getting pressure from the family” (Koenig, “The Alibi”). Adnan was again left without an alibi because it is clear that Asia did not see him in the library that specific day. Hae was just a typical teenager before she was murdered, meaning she had a diary. The diary was “entered into evidence at the trial”, so Sarah Koenig had the opportunity to grasp a copy(Koenig, “The Breakup”). Several of the entries were complaints about Adnan. The couple seemed to posses many issues. Hae mentions that Adnan constantly reminds her that she “is against his religion.” He even goes the distance to call her “a devil a few times”(Koenig, “The Breakup”). Messages Hae left behind in her diary prove that Adnan had a rational for murdering her. Every student is guilty of passing notes in the course of their school years. Adnan and Aisha were no different. They decided to have a conversation where “they were joking, making fun of Hae, making fun of themselves” (Koenig, “The Case Against Adnan Syed”). Upon reviewing the note, the words “I’m going to kill” were found on top of the page in Adnan’s handwriting. Aisha doesn’t recall those frightening words being written during the original time of the note. She stated that while reading the note at the trial, it was her first time seeing that part. Adnan obviously made plans to murder Hae Min Lee on his own because the note was found while searching his house (Koenig, “The Case Against Adnan Syed”). Because of the written proof of tension between Hae and Adnan, there was obvious frustration, which was a motive for Adnan Syed to commit the

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