
Argumentative Essay: Why Adnan Is Guilty

Satisfactory Essays

Adnan syed is innocent as Before he was arrested they should've had more sufficient evidence against him as some of it just doesn't add up or cannot necessarily be pinned to him . So he shouldn't have been declared guilty until the following evidence were investigated, which includes jay who could've been the murder , adnan's alibi , the cell phone towers which was already said to be not accurate and also find more reliable witnesses. Here is why adnan is innocent...

Jay- why wasn't it looked into more that jay could very well of killed hae, all of his statements to the police were different and had holes as it didn't add up , he could very well be making the story up to cover his tracks.if he has lied about some things to the police then what else is he lying about ? could it have been that he murdered hae because he was jealous that adnan was bestfriends with his girlfriend or maybe the fact that he's lying about him killing hae. Even though jay was not said to have killed her he did confess to helping do it so why doesn't he get any punishment and if he didnt help bury the body like he said why does a witness say that jay threw his clothes out after the murder

The alibi- during the time of the murder adnan claims to have been at the library as that where he would usually go after school and …show more content…

this relates back to being late because of burying haes body. Also there were people who said that their break up wasn't hard , they left on good terms, and they were still friends . As adnan kept saying he wasn't upset over the break up and he says he was not jealous of hae having a new boyfriend or talking to other

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