
Adult Obesity : Is The Biggest Public Health Challenges Facing Adult?

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Adult Obesity in America Amat Arop Holistic Health Assessment/ NS3321D October 01, 2015 Professor, Jada Adult Obesity in America Obesity is one of the biggest public health challenges facing adult in the United State of America today. Excess weight can lead to a number of debilitating conditions including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Obesity is a rapidly increasing problem. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention Fact sheet In the last ten years obesity has nearly trebled adult women and nearly quadrupled in men it now affects over one in five adults in the in United States. Central for disease and prevention, stated that the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes has increased dramatically in the last decade, primarily because of the link with obesity (CDC) Obesity and Type 2 diabetes are inextricably linked. In many cases obesity contributes to Type 2 diabetes. Not only this but both conditions lead to other health problems, both render high costs to the individual and the health care cost both are increasing dramatically in the United States. According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014 stated that Stated that obesity now affects over one in five adults in the United States. 29.1 living with diabetes and 21.0 million people are diagnosed with diabetes in the United States. Also, data estimate there are further 8.1 million people who have the condition but don’t know. Together these conditions have a massive

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