
Adults With Adhd Essay

Decent Essays

Did you know that Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder is a very common mental illness, there is up to 3 million cases of adhd a year in the united states alone. ADHD is a serious mental illness and can cause many problems to your health. Such as compulsive eating, low self-esteem, substance abuse, anxiety, and chronic stress. ADHD can also affect your surroundings as well, you may lose attention in important lectures or mess up on a quiz, and it can make you misunderstand a situation socially and that can cause problems within relationships. ADHD seems to affect not only your mental health but your physical health and your relationships around you as well. After finding this information, I believe that ADHD is underdiagnosed in …show more content…

And lastly, doctors are not only afraid of giving an adult with ADHD medicine, they are also afraid of over diagnosing them which can be very costly and have negative side effects. As Psychology Today says, “Indeed, many claim that ADHD is overdiagnosed and that stimulants are overprescribed. Psychiatrists are afraid of becoming one of these doctors who “overprescribe”. Despite the fact that stimulants are the standard of treatment for Adult ADD, whether or not someone has ADD should not hinge on the treatment, but instead on the proper assessment and diagnosis.” (Psychology Today p.1) This shows that doctors and psychiatrists are afraid of both diagnosing and over diagnosing adults because of what the medicine will do to them and that the stimulants can cause negative side effects and can worsen a person’s mental state. All this shows that doctors and psychiatrists are afraid that they will mess up on diagnosing, overdiagnose, and will end up not diagnosing a person which doesn’t help avoid the problem at all.

Another reason why ADHD is underdiagnosed in adults is that children are seen as more important than adults and that people believe the myth that if you treat ADHD early on, that it’ll go away when the person grows up, “If left untreated in childhood or adulthood, the symptoms of

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