
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Extroverts

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On the Internet, introverted users can be more outgoing, confident, and sociable because the lack of non-verbal cues, control over personal information disclosed, and ability to process conversation in slower than real-time provides increased control over one’s self-presentation, making social interaction less overwhelming (Bargh & McKenna, 2004; Eysenck, 1954; Eysenck, 1967; Turkle, 2011; Zhao, Grasmuck, & Martin, 2008). Maldonado, Mora, Garcia, and Edipo (2001) found that introverts sent computer-mediated messages with an extroverted tone and these messages contained more information than those sent by extroverted individuals. The Internet offers introverts the opportunity to express their true self in a more controlled environment where …show more content…

Thus, they may prefer to communicate using Facebook because it allows them to compensate for their lack of interpersonal skills in real life (Moore & McElroy, 2012). Introverted individuals are also more likely to report using Facebook to keep up with friends (Moore & McElroy, 2012). However, technologies like Facebook may even prove to be a disadvantage for introverts because they rely on the types of offline relationships that an extravert is more likely to develop (Ross et al, 2009). Neuroticism Neuroticism can be defined as a measure of affect and emotional control, with low levels suggesting good control over emotions and stability, whereas individuals with high levels may be somewhat sensitive and nervous with a propensity to worry (Costa & McCrae, 1992). It can also be understood as the extent to which individuals display negative attributes such as distrustfulness, sadness, anxiety, embarrassment and difficulty in managing stress (Koseoglu, 2015). Early opinions suggested that those high in Neuroticism were likely to avoid the internet (Tuten & Bosnjak, …show more content…

2009). Since low self-esteem is related to negative emotional expressions in wall postings (Forest & Wood, 2012), it is likely that neurotic individuals will exhibit negative emotions through Facebook (Koseoglu, 2015). Openness to Experiences Openness to experience refers to the extent to which an individual is willing to explore new situations. Individuals who are open to experience generally prefer variety, novel experiences, and are intellectually curious whereas individuals who are low in openness are typically conservative, prefer uniformity and are intellectually disinterested (Glass et al, 2013). Since this trait entails creativity, intellectualism, and a tendency for exploring new ideas, it has been found to be correlated with users’ personality and social media use (Correa, Hinsley, & de Zuniga, 2010). Heavier users of social networking sites reported higherlevels of openness to experience (Ross et al., 2009). Individuals with such a trait seem to post more on others’ walls (Ross, Orr, Sisic, Arseneault, Simmering, & Orr, 2009) and do not avoid direct interactions with others in general (Carpenter, Green, & LaFlam,

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