
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Single-Sex Schools

Decent Essays

The debate about the merits and faults of single sex and coeducation schooling has been going on for at least a century. In the 1920s, it was construed that coeducation schooling could help to control sex resentment, improve the quality of marriage and discourage homosexuality. In 1960s, it was reaffirmed that children were more satisfied in the coeducational environment. However, in the 1970s and 1980s, feminists emphasized that single-sex schools were better for girls, even if coeducation was better for boys. In the 1990s, the debate continued about which type of schooling gives better school results, and there were evidence coming suggesting that single-sex schooling could be helpful in getting improved school grades. Thus, the debate continues as Yates (2004) states, “Over the past three decades, the …show more content…

The focus will be on whether girls perform better in single sex schools as opposed to girls in coeducation schools. The overall aim is to draw from studies already conducted by researchers and to answer the below research questions:
1. Are single-sex schools more or less effective than coeducational schools in terms of academic achievement?
2. Do girls benefit more from single sex schooling than boys?
3. Do girls in single sex schools outperform those in coeducational schools?

Significance of the study
Education is an important investment in one’s future. In respect to recent studies, the comparisons by many of education in single sex and coeducation schools have received a lot of attention. Research has shown that students have demonstrated higher achievements and higher educational ambitions as compared to their colleagues in coeducational schools. Then there are those who posit that there are no differences in students’ performance when single-sex schools and coeducational schools are

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