Social Media Paper
Candice Triplett
Pending which end of the information you are on, it can have its advantages and disadvantages of being able obtain information and or having your information obtained. When someone is looking for a new job they can do a lot of research on a company and be able to obtain a lot of information. People can find out what the company stands for, what the company values are, along with the number of employees they have and other businesses that they work, to name a few. On the flip side, an employer can obtain a potential employees information as well just by doing a simple Google search. Doing such a search can give not only a potential employer different information on you but any random person can find your information and they can do a lot with it. With a person’s information being so easily available, a person who comes across someone else’s information can falsify that person’s identity and use their credit to make purchases. Another form of being able to easily obtain information could be referred to as having any question answered by simply going to Google and typing in whatever your heart desires and 99.9% of the time, your question will be answered. Having any question, you have answered with a few key strokes, could have its downfalls, pending on what answers you are seeking.
Social media can also have its disadvantages and advantages as well. Social media
Advantages of easily obtainable information. You have the advantage to find out about anything that is within the reach of your fingertips thanks to search engines such as Google, Google Chrome, Bing, Firefox, and more.
In today’s century social media is the main way to communicate with people with people all over the world. It has become very popular... even more popular than a text or video message. Social media is a computer technology that facilitates the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via communities and networks. The variety of social media services that are currently available can help benefit businesses, introduce an event, or even help you find a friend, family member, or long lost soulmate. Some social sites even help you find love. However, there are many positive things that can come out social media but there are many negatives too.
Human beings are social in nature and as thus possess an inherent need to share and connect one with another. In time past, geographical separation between individuals limited connections between people making communication very difficult. The need to bridge the gap between persons who are geographically separated necessitated research into ways that will remedy this situation. The advent of the social media networks came to offer a much-needed solution to the gap in communication. A social network comprises a pool of interdependent individuals who share some commonality (Boyd, & Ellison, 2008).
Social networking can be defined as a web based service where a man can make his profile and share this profile with others. These sties are getting popular day by day. Now days these sites have become an important part of our lives. Most of us have joined any of these sites to share different things with our friends, relatives, communities etc. These sites are different in their nature.
The rise of technology has shaped our generation in so many ways. As a child, I remember going to the library and checking out books when I had a paper or project due for class. As I got older the need for finding books or publications for research purposes decreased considerably. As I entered middle school, a class was being taught on computer literacy, and looking back on that class I see how important it was to get started early. I can only recall one time in the last three years where I stepped foot into a public library, and that was to place my vote for the 2016 presidential election. The fact that I can hop on my phone, and search anything I could possibly want to know about, and that information be displayed in a matter of seconds is an amazing and wonderful thing. The downside to the capability of information at your fingertips is that it causes people (including myself) to be lazy. Vocabulary and literacy levels are lower now, because you don’t have to read several books to find what you are looking for. I loved reading for pleasure when I was younger, and still do, but that was because I was required to read more to find answers to questions. Siri and Google have almost eliminated the need to do such research.
Social media is an inherent part of current Internet and used by more than a billion individuals worldwide. They provide opportunities to share ideas and interact with others, from old friends to strangers. In spite of the fact that social media has changed individuals’ lives with unnumbered benefits, many disadvantages, to users, are hidden under the superficial advantages, including decreasing health levels, declining communication skills, breaking interpersonal relationships and violating personal privacy. In order to prevent negative effects from social media, curtailing time on it is a beneficial method for individuals.
Dr. Judith Burdin Asuni is the Executive Director of Academic Associates PeaceWorks, a Nigerian NGO working in the fields of conflict management, peace and development and peace education. Dr. Asuni has researched and written extensively on conflicts in Nigeria, particularly in the Niger Delta. AA PeaceWorks has established a social media team to engage Nigerian youth on their participation in building a better Nigeria. Mrs. Jacqueline Farris serves as Director General of the Shehu Musa Yar’Adua Foundation and is also responsible for development of the Foundation’s programmes which focus on public
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. What do these four sites have in common? They are
Social media are technologies or networks that allow people, nowadays, to share informations and connect with each other. There are different types of social media, but the most used are Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Yahoo, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. With the advancement in technology, today these social media are an everyday part of life in most part of the world. They are used for different reason and the outcome is always different. Because everything has both advantages and disadvantages or inconveniences, social media too affect the user in both positives and negatives ways.
4. Highly Interactive: By using social media for marketing, you can interact better with your customers, which makes them loyal buyers of your products or services.
When looking at how easily obtaining information can be with the Internet now there will come advantages and disadvantages of it. Some advantages of
People crave knowledge. For informative or personal nosey reasons, in todays society any information that has ever been posted to the internet is so easy to be retrieved. "We live the informational appetite. We have internalized and institutionalized it by hoarding photos we'll never organize, much less look at again; by tracking ourselves relentlessly; by feeling a peculiar anxiety whenever we find ourselves without a cell phone signal. We've learned to deal with information over load...It's a badge of honor now to be too busy, always flooded with
How well are you actually protected on social media? Many people have mixed emotions about social media. While there are many advantages to using social media, there are also some disadvantages as well. According to the article “Could You Become a Mean Meme?” by Kristen Lewis, “Even the strictest privacy settings aren’t foolproof.” Thankfully, however, there are ways to protect yourself.
10. What is the purpose of using social media and infographics to share health messages? Are there advantages or disadvantages to using social media? (10 points)