Business idea: Luxury hotel
1.1 Describe what may be the advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative research approach for your business plan.
Qualitative research approach is used in exploratory research designs. Conducting a primary research will require the researcher to gather background information, clarify research problems, and create hypotheses or establish research priorities. Collection of data in this kind of research is in the form of text, or images using open-ended questions, and observation.
The advantages of using a qualitative research approach in conducting a primary research is the data gathered will be rich. The amount of details needed for the research is contained in the information gathered – may it be from text,
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The advantage of using this kind of research approach is it allows the researcher to have broader study which implicates more subjects. Thus, it enhances the generalization of the results. In addition, the research can be duplicated or replicated. Similar data can be used to analyze and compare with the similar studies in the past. Personal bias can also be limited and avoided by researchers by means of employing subjects anonymous to them. The data collected for quantitative approach is precise enough to identify even small differences because it uses numerical data - it is quantifiable. It is also easier to administer and record answers to structured questions. The time consumed to gather information is lesser than compared to gathering information for qualitative research approach.
On the other hand, the downside of a quantitative research is that the results are limited because the responses provided are numerical descriptions and not detailed narrative so as a result, it provides less intricate interpretations of human perception. In-depth data will be difficult to
There has probably been more energy spent on debating the difference, advantages and limitations between qualitative and quantitative research methods, it can be said that this issue has been debated to death with many spending years proving which methods is the best.
Quantitative and qualitative research generates from two different perspectives, and it provide different types of crucial information from the research subject. Qualitative research corresponds more with comprehensive and thorough descriptions of events, whereas quantitative research creates statistical models to explain events. Several advantages and disadvantages in qualitative and quantitative research, depends upon the researcher's purpose and area of focus and information that will answer those research questions (Creswell, (2013).
The researcher must set a clear hypothesis, showing the relationship between independent and dependent variables. In quantitative research tools are used to collect numerical data. The information can be gathered using questionnaires or some type of equipment. Quantitative data is efficient at testing a hypothesis, but can miss contextual detail. In quantitative research, the researcher is often objectively separated from the subject matter. One of the ways quantitative research is different from qualitative research is that quantitative research requires extraction of large amounts of statistical data. Qualitative research is focused in on personal viewpoints and opinions of a smaller number of subjects (typically). Qualitative research can take more time than quantitative research (McCusker & Gunaydin,
Qualitative method is using open-ended questioning, non-statistical research techniques, or value-based observations. In this research, three main methodologies are adopted as focus group, distributing questionnaires and conducting personal interviews simultaneously. Methods are all appropriate and contributed to a comprehensive research. The reason is that aim of this research is to acquire an in-depth understanding of
Qualitative research uses data obtained through methods such face- to- face interviews, observations, and focus groups. Data is analyzed by looking for trends and patterns. Quantitative research use numerical and statics to process the answer specific questions. Statistics used to support assessment of research. Analysis techniques are used to report are affected by the questions addressed and type of information that is expected in the research discoveries (Wakoff, 2007).
Case study was research strategy adopted for this study. It is one of the types of qualitative research study (Creswell, 1998). According to Rubin and Babbie (2013) which view case study as a particular examination of phenomenon. In this study case study explore the influence e-resources has on the professional development and classroom practices of beginner teachers and providing a detailed information through multiple source of data collection methods such as semi-structured interview, observation, data analysis and research journal.However,Creswell,2007 highlighted that case study is a qualitative approach that explore bounded system of phenomenon over time. More so, Yin (2009) validates that case study is an empirical
Within this assignment we are asked to identify if the research article that we choose for this unit is either a phenomenological approach or a generic qualitative approach was used, and then describe the physiognomies the evidence to support the identification. We then must explain and identify the main phenomenon that was under investigation in the research; describe the qualitative approach to analyzing the data in this study; describe what the data collection process as well as the role of the researcher; and evaluate the scientific merit of the selected approach. Next we will discuss how did the approach we used (either phenomenology or generic qualitative) help the researcher to answer the research question, and how differently might we have designed the research study differently?
As stated before, most quantitative research studies are used to define or measure something. Many medical studies employ quantitative research to define the measurements of a specific issue. One article
There are many benefits of utilizing quantitative methods in research. The benefits are precise numerical data, previously constructed theories can be tested and validated, results can be generated from sufficient random samples sizes, and less time is needed for data analysis. The weaknesses of quantitative methods are that due to the focus of the theory used the researcher may miss phenomena occurring, or the information gained may be too general to be applied to the individuals. The other weaknesses are colleagues may not understand the categories used, and colleagues may not understand the theories used by the researchers. (Zikmund et al, 2010) Qualitative Methods
Quantitative research is more widely used in psychology, as it is accurate and reliable. It is not concerned with individuality and would not be suitable for this type of research project.
The article provided a justification as to reasons qualitative research should be considered when looking to address evidence-based practices in the field
Quantitative research involves collecting data, which can be expressed numerically. The design is well structured with pre-determined outcomes. It frequently involves testing a hypothesis, which then can be analysed from the data deductively using statistical methods. Using numerical data is easier to analysis mathematical, so larger sample sizes can be utilised compared to qualitative research, therefore giving a better representative of the population; along with simplifying the process of making a generalisation. Another advantage is that studies can easily compare to similar findings (Kruger, 2003). The disadvantages are the results are limited and might not provide a proper understanding of the topic. Also, statistics and leading questions can be used to give a false representation of the data when summarising.
Qualitative research is the technique that is used as a part of exploratory research and to derive the independent variables. There are different methods through which we can conduct the qualitative research. As a part of this study we have adopted the following methods:
In a qualitative research, data collected is transcribed and analyzed. Aim of data analysis is to convert data into information and seek relationships within variables. Data analysis procedure helps understand the importance of good research design, strengths, and limitations (Malterud, 2012).
Another advantage of qualitative methods is the use of the open-ended questions for collecting the data. This form of questions allows the participants to answer the questions in a different way by dictating individual responses which makes the method different from other methods of research. The method also allows the researcher to gather essential information directly from the affected participants which he/she may not have known about. More generally, the method can be said to provide an avenue for respondents to talk freely without necessarily been restricted to certain answers. Thus, qualitative methods allows the researcher to carefully engage with the respondent, thus creating a good interactive platform through which the researcher is able to ask questions such as what happened?, what is your experience?, how do you feel it can be improved? etc. The method especially the face to face interview technique or observation could provide information necessary for a further research where little or nothing is known about the topic in question (Patton,