People think that putting their loved ones in senior home centers or assisted living centers will benefit them due to the way they think their going to be treated. When in reality most of the time it's not that way. Many are very unorganized, messy, and patients aren't getting the attention they need.
Another lady who resides at an assisted living facility that I operate gave me her views of living there. Her history is that of having dementia and she was becoming so forgetful, she was scared of burning her home down. Therefore, she and her family decided to move her to a place where she would have assistance in getting things done. She states
When on a placement in a care home, the elderly were treated without respect, they were shouted at by the staff and poor manual handling was used when moving the elderly residents. This was just one care home out of hundreds, not all care homes are like this and the clients will be treated with respect and dignity.
The horrors found inside these marketed homes for the elderly are unbelievable and essentially horrifying. Berens states, “[T]he Times uncovered scores of cases in which elderly victims were imprisoned in their rooms, roped into their beds at night, strapped to chairs during the day so they wouldn’t wander off, drugged into submission or denied medical treatment for weeks” (24). Not only are these elderly victims being tricked, scammed, and completely cheated into getting put in these homes, but they are also being abused. Senior citizens are supposed to be respected, not treated like something less than human; even animals do not deserve to be treated the way the elderly in care homes are most of the time. To go further, Berens informs that an organization called A Place for Mom, a company that assists in finding your elderly loved one a wonderful home, “rakes in tens of millions of dollars a year. The Times found that the company’s referral list contained an adult home with more violations than any other home, a place where a woman had died of an untreated pressure sore”
When you hear the words, “Nursing Home”, what comes to mind? Sad, helpless, elderly individuals? The smell of urine? An overall, unpleasant place to reside in? Unfortunately, this generic description is accurate amongst majority of the nursing home facilities across the United States. More often than not, the elderly suffer from inhumane living conditions while residing in a nursing facility. Quite often we hear stories on the news about cases of elder abuse in the nursing home and we automatically think physical, mental, or emotional abuse from caregivers. However, the fact that these individuals are also living amongst unsanitary, inhumane conditions, and ran by a staff that includes
To begin with, many families decide to place their loved ones under the care of a nursing home to receive some peace of mind. But are they
I have also noticed this is the population who most often isolates themselves from the rest of the residents. They chose to remain in bed, keep to themselves, and not get involved in the activities offered at the facility. It seems they fear being involved in the life of the nursing home means they have accepted their current situation, and they do not want others to think that. I have often heard these residents say things like, “I don’t belong here” or “I don’t want to be around all those old people.”
The first person or people who should be caring the burden for elderly care lies within their own family. Within the American culture many family members prefer to put their older members in elder homes. My family is originally from Mexico so I am aware of the family values embedded within Mexican culture. I have never seen a Mexican family have their elderly family members live or be taking care of by somebody else that is not a relative. We live in an American society that does not value the care and need for the elderly and prefer to leave up to state and national departments. Since they were the ones who created the generation in which we live in we should be grateful and provide them with the best care possible within our own homes. Many elders who live in homes receive poor or abusive care from faculty. This is not an environment that we should be letting them live in especially if they are your parents. If they lived there lives to watch you grow and take care of you we should be returning them the favor and taking care of them until their final days. The only exception that I have for not taking care of them would be if they have a serious disability or if they are mentally ill. There are illness where the son or daughter of the family member is not able to care for that person because of circumstances that out of their reach. In this situation it would be ok to admit them to home where they are professionally prepared to care for them and have the resources needed
Is it worth putting your loved ones in a nursing home facility? According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Each year, hundreds of thousands of adults over the age of 60 are abused, neglected, or financially exploited.” Family members of an elderly person might assume that because they are paying such a large amount of money for assistance and a room in the facility, that they’re getting the best treatment and care for their relative. Although one might believe their loved ones would be better off in a nursing home, they might be putting them at a greater risk of abuse due to understaffing, lack of training within the staff, neglect, nurse burnout, and low wages. 2,150,000 cases
“There is some evidence that the quality of care for nursing home residents has improved, such as the decreased use of physical restraints and psychotropic medications, serious problems continue for many residents, especially those at the end of their lives.” Some of the issues have been corrected, not abusing or neglecting the elderly patients but the services are not handling the most important part of the patients’ lives. They are still having some issues with handling the patients that are at the end of their lives, they need to focus on the end of their lives in dealing with this they need to know how deal with this part with them and the families.
Like demonstrated in chapter four of the book, they lose all sense of independence and privacy, and are forced to get dressed, take their medicine or do activities when told to instead of being able to decide for themselves. With the idea of assisted living, Keren Wilson will allow her mother to “be Jesse again, a person living in a apartment instead of a patient in a bed.”(Gawande, 2014, p. 89). I feel it is important to treat those with serious infirmities, like physical or mental weakness, with respect and independence because many of them don’t have a say or voice on where they are placed. They are unable to live on their own so they are forced to be put in nursing homes, where they become sheltered, abandoned, and sadly sometimes forgotten. This is why showing them respect, dignity, and giving them some independence will go a long way.
The elderly are our foundation and our youth are the building blocks to our nation. Some elderly have no medical problems, some are autistic, and many are handicapped. Nursing homes are a place where the elderly can live when
Choosing a long-term care facility can be very difficult because of incidents of abuse and/or neglect reported against care facilities can be overwhelming. For example in “Ending Elder Abuse: A family guide”, Diane Sandell lists many elder abuse incidents from her files such as: neglect of decubitis ulcers led to infection, sepsis, gangrene, and death. Facility failed to provide necessary diabetic diet; improper insulin administration, insulin overdose; dehydration and death. Resident left alone in chair in shower room fell, became paralyzed from neck down. Many reports of pinching, rough handling, slapping, yelling, threats (2000). It is believed that abuse is most likely to occur if the caregiver not only finds the work difficult but also (1) works full time, (2) cares for young children, (3) is poor, (4) feels little affection for the older person, (5) finds the elderly person very difficult, and (6) gets no support or help from others (Macionis, 2005). Although there is no excuse for abusing elderly Americans, it is still very prominent in today’s society. Diane Sandell explains in Ending Elder Abuse, that her 91 year old mother was beaten by a long-term care facility employee in the middle of the night for reasons unknown. It is stated that her mother died 6 weeks after the incident, unable to recover mentally from the abuse (2000).
Assisted living helps each person value life to its fullest potential. When it comes to making an older individual feel more at home and also be able to focus more on non-stressful activities, they need to be ensured the best care. “Families feel more confident and are less ‘protective’ when there is continuity in staff and they are deemed competent. Staff are more likely to be retained where they feel valued”2 part of the quote which is especially conducive to the argument is, “where they feel valued.” When picking and choosing a nursing home that fits individual the best, and will provide them with the care needed, it is important to make sure that everyone is valued in the process. This quote is important because if the workers are not being taken care of, then they are less enthusiastic and also less likely to give someone’s loved one the care needed and to know what is expected from them. It is assumed that when picking an assisted living home, that the well being of the person and also many other characteristics are taken into
The general feelings we hold as a society is that nursing homes are the better option for all elders. Not all nursing home assistants are properly trained on how to handle elders with certain disabilities. Often times someone who has been around the elder and know his or her personality are a better caregiver fit. Also, elders often feel more comfortable around people who they have known a longer time. I am aware that all nursing homes aren’t abusive and many times are an appropriate place for loved ones. There are times when the person who is doing the abusing is a family member, so whoever the caregiver may be should
Just the mere mention of “nursing home” causes most people to shudder and think, “I would never put my relative in such a ghastly place.” There are a great deal of horror stories that stem from nursing homes, most along the lines of , “ My mother was neglected after I put her in a nursing home. I would go to visit her and she would be lying in urine and have a new bruise, different than the one that was there last time.” There seems to be this popular perception that nursing homes are places where aging people go to wait out their final days and die; this causes many individuals to shun them. People are too caught up on these negative stories they