
Advantages Of Cross Sectional Studies

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Because cross-sectional surveys can be done using the mode of data collection questionnaires . The survey was conducted by planning a single data collection in order to study population satisfaction and to make a quick and easy analysis of the data.
The data is easy to collect and analyze, and is less time-consuming than case-control or cohort studies.
Contains multiple variables at the time of the data snapshot.
Not costly to perform and does not require a lot of time.
Cannot examine change over time and cohort effect.
Difficult to determine whether the outcome followed exposure in time or exposure resulted from the outcome.
Does not help determine cause and effect
For a limited time, making storage …show more content…

Because data are collected at a single point time, it is not possible to capture information about new incidence.
The population use to service University of Phayao library around 1,448 people per day. I will bring ,samples, just 3% or 43 people of the total population per day . I will survey 1 week. It has number of people around 304 people.
I have identified basic information for the respondents such as gender, age, status and education degree.
The reason for selecting the sample was that they all had experience and sense of access with the Phayao University library in the field of staffing services, building facility and the library Information Resources.
Because the questionnaire is a very popular research tool, the data collection is convenient and can be widely used, which is a good way to research the users' satisfaction. The service to measure from the sample or the target population has the form of a series of questions. The system has been compiled in a systematic and systematic way.
Large amounts of information can be collected from a large number of people in a short period of time and in a relatively cost effective way. The results of the questionnaires can usually be quickly and easily

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