
Advantages Of Double Shift Schools

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Double shift schools have been in use throughout the world since early 20th century. It’s a type of school that operates in two shifts, the am and pm shifts. The students will divide into two batches one for morning and the other one are for the afternoon. This idea came up because of the lack of facilities, school and to increase the number of students that can be taught without having to build another school. Bray (2000), according to him double shift schools may also be called as double session schools, bi-sessional schools, and half day schools. Like in Botswana, the term they use is ‘double-session’ which means different students in the morning and afternoons but the same number of classroom hours and different teachers for each session. …show more content…

In this way, the Philippine government has increased utilization of existing infrastructure by introducing morning and afternoon school shifts. However, when schools reach their full capacity they will now consider operating three shifts for the students: morning, afternoon and evening shifts. Moreover, the teachers have been given the opportunity to hold two or more teaching positions, thereby increasing their salaries. But sometimes they also considered the lacking of teachers, instructors, and professors as one of the reasons to implement the double shift system. According to Department of Education Order No. 62, s. 2004, in order to reduce the classroom backlog which is placed at 51,947 classrooms as of the beginning of SY 2004-2005, based on a class size of 45, the double shift session shall be adopted. Class sizes shall range from a minimum of 25 students to maximum of 65 students per class and the average size shall be 50. With this adoption and increasing the class size to 50, the classroom shortage is expected to be reduced to 17,873

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