
Advantages Of Koogle

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 Competitive Advantage: - Yes, Yahoo have a potential long-term competitive advantage. • Cost – There is no any cost for the Yahoo users. Users can be paid every click, or something equivalent, this is like a trick of Yahoo. • Differentiation and Focus – Yahoo might be having a great advantage. Study of a link in Yahoos page, that brings to yahoo in marketplace. Here, can become an in-depth investment news, concentrated on geographical span-local stock market. This marketplace has to truly furnish a little sort of concentrated associate news, and perhaps brilliant brokerage ability, and but next should people be attracting to pay a subscription. • It has built differentiation and focus both in one place. • Its flagship,, is …show more content…

His resignation displays that even a prosperous head in company is vulnerable to marketplace presentation and sales figure and could have to make a space for new association if aftermath is not yielded. It needs someone who knows how to traverse across a fluctuating economy/market. Koogle seemingly comprehended that it should be best for both the stable and himself if he removed himself from the situation. Two reasons for Koogle’s departure early being pressure from inside the firm, from stakeholders & financiers to be a man plenty and resign. Second, good reason might be that he left on ethical grounds. Koogle though left a legacy of strategic business units (R&D) notwithstanding the reference to strategic business units; the organizational construction was useful organization. He took charge of a small venture capital funded start up and builds it into an organization with centralized analytical decision making, directive leadership with formalized, functional organization …show more content…

CEO sets direction by communicating the strategy and vision of where the company is going. • CEO is the single person most closely associated with the firm’s performance in the minds of company shareholders. This can work in the CEO’s favour, as when they garner all the praise when performance climbs. It can also work against them, when they receive all the blame for performance declines. Shareholders, employees, and customers tend to lose confidence in a firm’s leadership when performance is poor, even when environmental factors are largely to blame. • When a CEO recognizes that they no longer have their stakeholders’ confidence, their effectiveness is diminished. (Vaid, 2015) Yes, Semel’s appointment by Yahoo was good move because Semel’s has come from entertainment industry background as Yahoo is totally new for Semel’s and he got to Yahoo at the time when it needed his skills and experience the most. Semel had rearranged the company revenue strategy by placing the major emphasis on the e-commerce section as the key player in the revenue generation of the company. E-commerce is the new era of technological globalization throughout the globe hence it’s a very untapped grey space with lots of potential for market

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